.. _logginghandler: Logging Handler Module ---------------------- .. index:: Logging Handler, Handler Modules The logging event handler can be used to log the occurrence of an event to the python logging facility. You can log arbitrary events with a configurable log message, loglevel and logger instance. Several tags are available to customize the log message. The configuration to handle the log messages can be defined in detail with the :ref:`advanced_logging`. Possible Actions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ logging ....... Emit a log message to the python logging facility when the specified event gets triggered (and the conditions match). **name** * *default:* ``edumfa-eventlogger`` The name of the logger to use when emitting the log message. This can be used for a fine-grained control of the log messages via :ref:`advanced_logging`. .. note:: Logger names beginning with ``eduMFA`` will be handled by the default eduMFA logger and will end up in the eduMFA log. **level** * *default:* ``INFO`` The log level for the emitted log message. The following levels are available: * ``ERROR`` * ``WARNING`` * ``INFO`` * ``DEBUG`` **message** * *default:* ``"event={action} triggered"`` The message to send to the logging facility. This message can be customized with the following tags: * ``{admin}`` The logged in user. * ``{realm}`` The realm of the logged in user. * ``{action}`` The action which triggered this event. * ``{serial}`` The serial of a token used in this event. * ``{url}`` The URL of the eduMFA system. * ``{user}`` The given name of the token owner. * ``{surname}`` The surname of the token owner. * ``{givenname}`` The given name of the token owner. * ``{username}`` The login of the token owner. * ``{userrealm}`` The realm of the token owner. * ``{tokentype}`` The type of the token. * ``{time}`` The current server time (format: HH:MM:SS). * ``{date}`` The current server date (format: YYYY-MM-DD). * ``{client_ip}`` The IP of the client who triggered the event. * ``{ua_browser}`` The user agent of the client, which issued the original request. * ``{ua_string}`` The complete user agent string (including version number) which issued the original request. .. note:: Not all tags are available in every event. It depends on the called API-Endpoint and passed parameter which tags exist. If a tag does not exist during the event handling, an empty string will be inserted.