7.5. Enrollment policies

The scope enrollment defines what happens during enrollment either by an administrator or during the user self enrollment.

Enrollment policies take the realms, the client (see Policies) and the user settings into account.

Technically enrollment policies control the use of the REST API Token endpoints and specially the init and assign-methods.

Technically the decorators in API Policies are used.

The following actions are available in the scope enrollment:

7.5.1. max_token_per_realm

type: int

This is the maximum allowed number of tokens in the specified realm.


If you have several realms with realm admins and you imported a pool of hardware tokens you can thus limit the consumed hardware tokens per realm.


If there are multiple matching policies, the highest maximum allowed number of tokens among the matching policies is enforced. Policy priorities are ignored.

7.5.2. max_token_per_user

type: int

Limit the maximum number of tokens per user in this realm.

There are also token type specific policies to limit the number of tokens of a specific token type, that a user is allowed to have assigned.


If you do not set this action, a user may have unlimited tokens assigned.


If there are multiple matching policies, the highest maximum allowed number of tokens among the matching policies is enforced. Policy priorities are ignored.

7.5.3. max_active_token_per_user

type: int

Limit the maximum number of active tokens per user.

There are also token type specific policies to limit the number of tokens of a specific token type, that a user is allowed to have assigned.


Inactive tokens will not be taken into account. If the token already exists, it can be recreated if the token is already active.

7.5.4. tokenissuer

type: string

This sets the issuer label for a newly enrolled Smartphone token. This policy takes a fixed string, to add additional information about the issuer of the soft token.

You can use the tags {user}, {realm}, {serial}, {givenname} and {surname} in the issuer label.


A good idea is to set this to the instance name of your eduMFA installation or the name of your company.

7.5.5. tokenlabel

type: string

This sets the label for a newly enrolled Smartphone token. Possible tags to be replaced are {user}, {realm}, {serial}, {givenname} and {surname}.

The default behaviour is to use the serial number.


This is useful to identify the token in the Authenticator App.


If you are only using {user} as tokenlabel and you enroll the token without a user, this will result in an invalid QR code, since it will have an empty label. You should rather use a label like "{user}@{realm}", which would result in "@".

7.5.6. appimageurl

type: string

With this action the administrator may specify the URL to a token image which is included in the QR code during enrollment (key in otpauth URL: image). It is used by smartphone apps like FreeOTP (supported file formats: PNG, JPG and GIF).

7.5.7. autoassignment

type: string

allowed values: any_pin, userstore

Users can assign a token just by using this token. The user can take a token from a pool of unassigned tokens. When this policy is set, and the user has no token assigned, autoassignment will be done: The user authenticates with a new PIN or his userstore password and an OTP value from the token. If the OTP value is correct the token gets assigned to the user and the given PIN is set as the OTP PIN.


Requirements are:

  1. The user must have no other tokens assigned.

  2. The token must be not assigned to any user.

  3. The token must be located in the realm of the authenticating user.

  4. (The user needs to enter the correct userstore password)


If you set the policy to any_pin the token will be assigned to the user no matter what pin he enters. In this case assigning the token is only a one-factor-authentication: the possession of the token.

7.5.8. otp_pin_random

type: int

Generates a random OTP PIN of the given length during enrollment. Thus the user is forced to set a certain OTP PIN.


To use the random PIN, you also need to define a pinhandling policy.

7.5.9. pinhandling

type: string

If the otp_pin_random policy is defined, you can use this policy to define, what should happen with the random pin. The action value take the class of a PinHandler like edumfa.lib.pinhandling.base.PinHandler. The base PinHandler just logs the PIN to the log file. You can add classes to send the PIN via EMail or print it in a letter.

For more information see the base class PinHandler.

7.5.10. change_pin_on_first_use

type: bool

If the administrator enrolls a token or resets a PIN of a token, then the PIN of this token is marked to be changed on the first (or next) use. When the user authenticates with the old PIN, the user is authenticated successfully. But the detail-response contains the keys “next_pin_change” and “pin_change”. If “pin_change” is True the authenticating application must trigger the change of the PIN using the API /token/setpin. See Token endpoints.


If the application does not honour the “pin_change” attribute, then the user can still authenticate with his old PIN.


eduMFA also allows to force the user to change the PIN in such a case using the policy change_pin_via_validate.

7.5.11. change_pin_every

type: string

This policy requires the user to change the PIN of his token on a regular basis. Enter a value followed by “d”, e.g. change the PIN every 180 days will be “180d”.

The date, when the PIN needs to be changed, is returned in the API response of /validate/check. For more information see change_pin_on_first_use. To specify the contents of the PIN see User Policies.

7.5.12. encrypt_pin

type: bool

If set the OTP PIN of a token will be encrypted. The default behaviour is to hash the OTP PIN, which is safer.

7.5.13. registration.length

type: int

This is the length of the generated registration codes.

7.5.14. registration.contents

type: string

contents: cns

This defines what characters the registrationcodes should contain.

This takes the same values like the admin policy otp_pin_contents.

7.5.15. pw.length

type: int

This is the length if the password of a password token (pw token) is automatically generated with the genkey parameter. The default length is 12.

7.5.16. pw.contents

type: string

contents: cns

This is the contents of an automatically generated password of a password token (pw token).

This takes the same values like the admin policy otp_pin_contents.

7.5.17. losttoken_PW_length

type: int

This is the length of the generated password for the lost token process.

7.5.18. losttoken_PW_contents

type: string

This is the contents that a generated password for the lost token process should have. You can use

  • c: for lowercase letters

  • n: for digits

  • s: for special characters (!#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_)

  • C: for uppercase letters

  • 8: Base58 character set


The action lostTokenPWLen=10, lostTokenPWContents=Cns could generate a password like AC#!49MK)).


If you combine 8 with e.g. C there will be double characters like “A”, “B”… Thus, those characters will have a higher probability of being part of the password. Also C would again add the character “I”, which is not part of Base58.

7.5.19. losttoken_valid

type: int

This is how many days the replacement token for the lost token should be valid. After this many days the replacement can not be used anymore.

7.5.20. yubikey_access_code

type: string

This is a 12 character long access code in hex format to be used to initialize Yubikeys. This access code is not actively used by the eduMFA server. It is meant to be read by an admin client or enrollment client, so the component initializing the Yubikey can use this access code, without the operator knowing the code.

If a yubikey uses an access code, Yubikeys can only be re-initialized by persons who know this code. You could choose a company wide access code, so that Yubikeys can only be re-initialized by your own system.

You can add two access codes separated by a colon to change from one access code to the other.



As long as the enrollment client does not read and use this access code, this configuration has no effect.

7.5.21. papertoken_count

type: int

This is a specific action of the paper token. Here the administrator can define how many OTP values should be printed on the paper token.

7.5.22. tantoken_count

type: int

This is a specific action for the TAN token. The administrator can define how many TANs will be generated and printed.

7.5.23. u2f_req

type: string

Only the specified U2F devices are allowed to be registered. The action can be specified like this:


The the key word can be “subject”, “issuer” or “serial”. Followed by a regular expression. During registration of the U2F device the information is fetched from the attestation certificate. Only if the attribute in the attestation certificate matches accordingly the token can be registered.

7.5.24. u2f_no_verify_certificate

type: bool

By default the validity period of the attestation certificate of a U2F device gets verified during the registration process. If you do not want to verify the validity period, you can check this action.

7.5.25. 2step_clientsize, 2step_serversize, 2step_difficulty

type: string

These are token type specific parameters (with hotp_ or totp_ prefix). They control the key generation during the 2step token enrollment (see Two Step Enrollment).

The serversize is the optional size (in bytes) of the server’s key part. The clientsize is the size (in bytes) of the smartphone’s key part. The difficulty is a parameter for the key generation. In the implementation PBKDF2 is used. In this case the difficulty specifies the number of rounds.

7.5.26. force_app_pin

type: bool

This is a token type specific parameter (with hotp_ or totp_ prefix). During enrollment of a unsupported privacyIDEA Authenticator smartphone app this policy is used to force the user to protect the token with a PIN.


This only works with the unsupported privacyIDEA Authenticator. This policy has no effect, if the QR code is scanned with other smartphone apps.

7.5.27. edupush_firebase_configuration, push_firebase_configuration

type: string

For enrolling a eduPUSH Token or Legacy PUSH Token, the administrator can select which Firebase configuration should be used. The administrator can create several connections to the Firebase service (see Firebase Provider). This way even different Firebase configurations could be used depending on the user’s realm or the IP address.

If the PUSH token is supposed to run in poll-only mode, then the entry “poll only” can be selected instead of a firebase configuration. In this mode, neither the eduMFA server nor the smartphone app will connect to Google Firebase during enrollment or authentication. Note, that you also need to set the authentication policy edupush_allow_polling, push_allow_polling to allow the push token to poll for challenges.

7.5.28. edupush_registration_url, push_registration_url

type: string

This is the URL of your eduMFA server, which the PUSH App should connect to for the second registration step. This URL usually ends with /ttype/edupush for eduPUSH and /ttype/push legacy PUSH. Note, that the smartphone app may connect to a different eduMFA URL than the URL of the eduMFA Web UI.

7.5.29. edupush_ttl, push_ttl

This is the time (in minutes) how long the eduMFA server accepts the response of the second registration step. The smartphone could have connection issues, so the second step could take some time to happen.

7.5.30. edupush_ssl_verify, push_ssl_verify

type: int

The smartphone needs to verify the SSL certificate of the eduMFA server during the enrollment of PUSH tokens. By default, the verification is enabled. To disable verification during authentication, see edupush_ssl_verify, push_ssl_verify.

7.5.31. verify_enrollment

type: string

This action takes a white space separated list of tokentypes. These tokens then need to be verified during enrollment. This is supported for HOTP, TOTP, Email, SMS, Paper, TAN and Indexed Secret tokens.

In this case after enrolling the token the user is prompted to enter a valid OTP value. This way the system can verify, that the user has successfully enrolled the token.

As long as no OTP value is provided by the user during the enrollment process, the token can not be used for authentication.


This does not work in combination with the admin policy hotp_2step and totp_2step and the user policy hotp_2step and totp_2step.

7.5.32. webauthn_relying_party_id

type: string

This action sets the relying party id to use for the enrollment of new WebAuthn tokens, at defined by the WebAuthn specification [1]. Please note, that a token will be rolled out with one particular ID and that the relying party of an existing token can not be changed. In order to change the relying party id for existing tokens, they need to be deleted and new tokens need to be enrolled. This is a limitation of the WebAuthn standard and is unlikely to change in the future.

The relying party id is a valid domain string that identifies the WebAuthn Relying Party on whose behalf a given registration or authentication ceremony is being performed. A public key credential can only be used for authentication with the same entity (as identified by RP ID) it was registered with.

This id needs to be a registrable suffix of or equal to the effective domain for each webservice the tokens should be used with. This means if the token is being enrolled on – for example – https://login.example.com, them the relying party ID may be either login.example.com, or example.com, but not – for instance – m.login.example.com, or com. Similarly, a token enrolled with a relying party ID of login.example.com might be used by https://login.example.com, or even https://m.login.example.com:1337, but not by https://example.com (because the RP ID login.example.com is not a valid relying party ID for the domain example.com).


This action needs to be set to be able to enroll WebAuthn tokens. For an overview of all the settings required for the use of WebAuthn, see WebAuthn Token Config.

7.5.33. webauthn_relying_party_name

type: string

This action sets the human-readable name for the relying party, as defined by the WebAuthn specification [2]. It should be the name of the entity whose web applications the WebAuthn tokens are used for.


This action needs to be set to be able to enroll WebAuthn tokens. For an overview of all the settings required for the use of WebAuthn, see WebAuthn Token Config.

7.5.34. webauthn_timeout

type: integer

This action sets the time in seconds the user has to confirm enrollment on his WebAuthn authenticator.

This is a client-side setting, that governs how long the client waits for the authenticator. It is independent of the time for which a challenge for a challenge response token is valid, which is governed by the server and controlled by a separate setting. This means, that if you want to increase this timeout beyond two minutes, you will have to also increase the challenge validity time, as documented in The challenge validity time.

This setting is a hint. It is interpreted by the client and may be adjusted by an arbitrary amount in either direction, or even ignored entirely.

The default timeout is 60 seconds.


If you set this policy you may also want to set webauthn_timeout.

7.5.35. webauthn_authenticator_attachment

type: string

This action configures whether to limit roll out of WebAuthn tokens to either only platform authenticators, or only platform authenticators. Cross-platform authenticators are authenticators, that are intended to be plugged into different devices, whereas platform authenticators are those, that are built directly into one particular device and can not (easily) be removed and plugged into a different device.

The default is to allow both platform and cross-platform attachment for authenticators.

7.5.36. webauthn_authenticator_selection_list

type: string

This action configures a whitelist of authenticator models which may be enrolled. It is a space-separated list of AAGUIDs. An AAGUID is a hexadecimal string (usually grouped using dashes, although these are optional) identifying one particular model of authenticator. To limit enrollment to a few known-good authenticator models, simply specify the AAGUIDs for each model of authenticator that is acceptable. If multiple policies with this action apply, the set of acceptable authenticators will be the union off all authenticators allowed by the various policies.

If this action is not configured, all authenticators will be deemed acceptable, unless limited through some other action.


If you configure this, you will likely also want to configure webauthn_authenticator_selection_list.

7.5.37. webauthn_user_verification_requirement

type: string

This action configures whether the user’s identity should be checked when rolling out a new WebAuthn token. If this is set to required, any user rolling out a new WebAuthn token will have to provide some form of verification. This might be biometric identification, or knowledge-based, depending on the authenticator used.

This defaults to preferred, meaning user verification will be performed if supported by the token.


User verification is different from user presence checking. The presence of a user will always be confirmed (by asking the user to take action on the token, which is usually done by tapping a button on the authenticator). User verification goes beyond this by ascertaining, that the user is indeed the same user each time (for example through biometric means), only set this to required, if you know for a fact, that you have authenticators, that actually support some form of user verification (these are still quite rare in practice).


If you configure this, you will likely also want to configure webauthn_user_verification_requirement.

7.5.38. webauthn_public_key_credential_algorithms

type: string

This action configures which algorithms should be available for the creation of WebAuthn asymmetric cryptography key pairs. eduMFA currently supports ECDSA, RSASSA-PSS and RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5. Please check back with the manufacturer of your authenticators to get information on which algorithms are acceptable to your model of authenticator.

The default is to allow both ECDSA and RSASSA-PSS.

The Order of preferred algorithms is ECDSA > RSASSA-PSS > RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5


Not all authenticators will supports all algorithms. It should not usually be necessary to configure this action. Do not change this preference, unless you are sure you know what you are doing!

7.5.39. webauthn_authenticator_attestation_form

type: string

This action configures whether to request attestation data when enrolling a new WebAuthn token. Attestation is used to verify, that the authenticator being enrolled has been made by a trusted manufacturer. Since depending on the authenticator this may include personally identifying information, indirect attestation can be requested. If indirect attestation is requested the client may pseudonymize the attestation data. Attestation can also be turned off entirely.

The default is to request direct (full) attestation from the authenticator.


In a normal business-context it will not be necessary to change this. If this is set to none, webauthn_authenticator_attestation_level must also be none.


Authenticators enrolled with this option set to none can not be filtered using webauthn_req and webauthn_authenticator_selection_list or webauthn_req and webauthn_authenticator_selection_list, respectively. Applying these filters is not possible without attestation information, since the fields these actions rely upon will be missing. With indirect attestation, checking may be possible (depending on the client). If any of webauthn_req, webauthn_authenticator_selection_list, webauthn_req, or webauthn_authenticator_selection_list are set and apply to a request for a token without attestation information, access will be denied.

7.5.40. webauthn_authenticator_attestation_level

type: string

This action determines whether and how strictly to check authenticator attestation data. Set this to none, to allow any authenticator, even if the attestation information is missing completely. If this is set to trusted, strict checking is performed. No authenticator is allowed, unless it contains attestation information signed by a certificate trusted for attestation.


Currently the certificate that signed the attestation needs to be trusted directly. Traversal of the trust path is not yet supported!

The default is untrusted. This will perform the attestation check like normal, but will not fail the attestation, if the attestation is self-signed, or signed by an unknown certificate.


In order to be able to use trusted attestation, a directory needs to be provided, containing the certificates trusted for attestation. See WebAuthn Token Config for details.


If this is set to untrusted, a manipulated token could send a self-signed attestation message with modified a modified AAGUID and faked certificate fields in order to bypass webauthn_req and webauthn_authenticator_selection_list, or webauthn_req and webauthn_authenticator_selection_list, respectively. If this is of concern for your attack scenarios, please make sure to properly configure your attestation roots!

7.5.41. webauthn_req

type: string

This action allows filtering of WebAuthn tokens by the fields of the attestation certificate.

The action can be specified like this:


The the key word can be “subject”, “issuer” or “serial”. Followed by a regular expression. During registration of the WebAuthn authenticator the information is fetched from the attestation certificate. Only if the attribute in the attestation certificate matches accordingly the token can be enrolled.


If you configure this, you will likely also want to configure webauthn_req.

7.5.42. webauthn_challenge_text

type: str

Use an alternate challenge text for requesting the user to confirm with his WebAuthn token during enrollment. This might be different from the challenge text received during authentication (see webauthn_challenge_text).

7.5.43. webauthn_avoid_double_registration

type: bool

If this policy is set, a user or an admin can not register the same webauthn token to a user more than once. However, the same webauthn token could be registered to a different user.

7.5.44. certificate_require_attestation

type: string

When enrolling a certificate token, eduMFA can require that an attestation certificate is passed along to verify, if the key pair was generated on a (PIV) smartcard.

This policy can be set to:

  • ignore (default): Ignore any existence of an attestation certificate

  • verify: If an attestation certificate is passed along during enrollment, the attestation certificate gets verified.

  • require_and_verify: An attestation certificate is required and verified. If no attestation certificate is provided, the enrollment will fail.

The trusted root certificate authorities and intermediate certificate authorities can be configured via the policies certificate_trusted_Attestation_CA_path and certificate_trusted_Attestation_CA_path

7.5.45. certificate_ca_connector

type: string

During enrollment of a certificate token the user needs to specify the CA connector from which the CSR should be signed. This policy adds the given CA connector parameter to the request. The list of CA connectors is read from the configured connectors.


When using the eduMFA Smartcard Enrollment Tool, this policy needs to be set, otherwise the enrollment will fail.

7.5.46. certificate_template

type: string

During enrollment of a certificate token the user needs to specify the certificate template that should be used for enrollment. This policy adds the given template parameter to the request. The administrator needs to add the name of the template manually in this policy.


When using the eduMFA Smartcard Enrollment Tool in combination with a Microsoft CA, this policy needs to be set, otherwise the enrollment will fail.

7.5.47. certificate_request_subject_component

type: string

During enrollment of a certificate by creating a request, eduMFA can add additional components to the request subject.

This can be “email” (The email of the user read from the userstore) and/or “realm”, which is written to the orgnaizationalUnit (OU) of the request.


A couple of certificate templates on the Microsoft CA will not allow to have the email component directly in the subject!


7.5.48. require_description

type: list

To prevent tokens from becoming unidentifiable after a device loss, a description can be enforced with the “require_description policy”. The desired token-types can be selected here. After setting up the policy, the selected token types can only be enrolled if a description is set during enrollment.