Source code for edumfa.lib.resolvers.UserIdResolver
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-## License: AGPLv3# This file is part of eduMFA. eduMFA is a fork of privacyIDEA which was forked from LinOTP.# Copyright (c) 2024 eduMFA Project-Team# Previous authors by privacyIDEA project:## 2014 - 2015 Cornelius Kölbel <>## Copyright (C) 2010 - 2014 LSE Leading Security Experts GmbH# License: AGPLv3# contact: This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or# modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either# version 3 of the License, or any later version.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the# GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public# License along with this program. If not, see <>.#"""This module implements the communication interfacefor resolving user info to the user baseDefines the rough interface for a UserId Resolver== a UserId Resolver is required to resolve the Login Name to an unique User Identifier- for /etc/passwd this will be the uid- for ldap this might be the DN- for SQL the unique index ( what's the right name here (tm))"""
[docs]classUserIdResolver:fields={"username":1,"userid":1,"description":0,"phone":0,"mobile":0,"email":0,"givenname":0,"surname":0,"gender":0}name=""id="baseid"# If the resolver could be configured editableupdateable=False
[docs]defclose(self):""" Hook to close down the resolver after one request """return
[docs]@staticmethoddefgetResolverClassType():""" provide the resolver type for registration """return'UserIdResolver'
[docs]@staticmethoddefgetResolverType():""" getResolverType - return the type of the resolver :return: returns the string 'ldapresolver' :rtype: string """return'UserIdResolver'
[docs]@classmethoddefgetResolverClassDescriptor(cls):""" return the descriptor of the resolver, which is - the class name and - the config description :return: resolver description dict :rtype: dict """descriptor={}typ=cls.getResolverClassType()descriptor['clazz']="useridresolver.UserIdResolver"descriptor['config']={}return{typ:descriptor}
[docs]@staticmethoddefgetResolverDescriptor():""" return the descriptor of the resolver, which is - the class name and - the config description :return: resolver description dict :rtype: dict """returnUserIdResolver.getResolverClassDescriptor()
[docs]defgetUserId(self,loginName):""" The loginname is resolved to a user_id. Depending on the resolver type the user_id can be an ID (like in /etc/passwd) or a string (like the DN in LDAP) It needs to return an empty string, if the user does not exist. :param loginName: The login name of the user :type loginName: sting :return: The ID of the user :rtype: str """return"dummy_user_id"
[docs]defgetUsername(self,userid):""" Returns the username/loginname for a given userid :param userid: The userid in this resolver :type userid: string :return: username :rtype: string """return"dummy_user_name"
[docs]defgetUserInfo(self,userid):""" This function returns all user information for a given user object identified by UserID. :param userid: ID of the user in the resolver :type userid: int or string :return: dictionary, if no object is found, the dictionary is empty :rtype: dict """return{}
[docs]defgetUserList(self,searchDict=None):""" This function finds the user objects, that have the term 'value' in the user object field 'key' :param searchDict: dict with key values of user attributes - the key may be something like 'loginname' or 'email' the value is a regular expression. :type searchDict: dict :return: list of dictionaries (each dictionary contains a user object) or an empty string if no object is found. :rtype: list of dicts """searchDict=searchDictor{}return[{}]
[docs]defgetResolverId(self):""" get resolver specific information :return: the resolver identifier string - empty string if not exist """
[docs]defloadConfig(self,config):""" Load the configuration from the dict into the Resolver object. If attributes are missing, need to set default values. If required attributes are missing, this should raise an Exception. :param config: The configuration values of the resolver :type config: dict """returnself
[docs]defcheckPass(self,uid,password):""" This function checks the password for a given uid. returns true in case of success false if password does not match :param uid: The uid in the resolver :type uid: string or int :param password: the password to check. Usually in cleartext :type password: string :return: True or False :rtype: bool """returnFalse
[docs]defadd_user(self,attributes=None):""" Add a new user in the useridresolver. This is only possible, if the UserIdResolver supports this and if we have write access to the user store. :param username: The login name of the user :type username: basestring :param attributes: Attributes according to the attribute mapping :return: The new UID of the user. The UserIdResolver needs to determine the way how to create the UID. """attributes=attributesor{}returnNone
[docs]defdelete_user(self,uid):""" Delete a user from the useridresolver. The user is referenced by the user id. :param uid: The uid of the user object, that should be deleted. :type uid: basestring :return: Returns True in case of success :rtype: bool """returnNone
[docs]defupdate_user(self,uid,attributes=None):""" Update an existing user. This function is also used to update the password. Since the attribute mapping know, which field contains the password, this function can also take care for password changing. Attributes that are not contained in the dict attributes are not modified. :param uid: The uid of the user object in the resolver. :type uid: basestring :param attributes: Attributes to be updated. :type attributes: dict :return: True in case of success """attributes=attributesor{}returnNone
[docs]@classmethoddeftestconnection(cls,param):""" This function lets you test if the parameters can be used to create a working resolver. The implementation should try to connect to the user store and verify if users can be retrieved. In case of success it should return a text like "Resolver config seems OK. 123 Users found." :param param: The parameters that should be saved as the resolver :type param: dict :return: returns True in case of success and a descriptive text :rtype: tuple """success=Falsedesc="Not implemented"returnsuccess,desc
@propertydefeditable(self):""" Return true, if the Instance! of this resolver is configured editable. :return: """returnFalse@propertydefhas_multiple_loginnames(self):""" Return if this resolver has multiple loginname attributes :return: bool """returnFalse