3.4. Enrolling your first token

You may now enroll a new token. In this example we are using the Google Authenticator App, that you need to install on your smartphone.

  • Go to Tokens -> Enroll Token


The Token Enrollment Dialog

  • Select the username root. When you start typing “r”, “o”… the system will find the user root automatically.

  • Enter a PIN. I entered “test” …

  • … and click “Enroll Token”.


Enrollment Success

  • After enrolling the token you will see a QR code, that you need to scan with the Google Authenticator App.

  • Click on the serial number link at the top of the dialog.


Test the Token

  • Now you see the token details.

  • Left to the button “Test Token” you can enter the PIN and the OTP value generated by the Google Authenticator.

  • Click the button “Test Token”. You should see a green “matching 1 tokens”.

Congratulations! You just enrolled your first token to a user.

Now you are ready to attach applications to eduMFA in order to add two factor authentication to those applications. To attach applications read the chapter application_plugins.

You may also go on reading the chapter Configuration to get a deeper insight in the configuration possibilities.