Event endpoints¶
This endpoint is used to create, modify, list and delete Event Handling Configuration. Event handling configuration is stored in the database table “eventhandling”
The code of this module is tested in tests/test_api_events.py
- GET /event/(eventid)¶
- GET /event/¶
returns a json list of the event handling configuration
returns a list of available events when calling as /event/available
the available handler modules when calling as /event/handlermodules
- GET /event/positions/(handlermodule)¶
Return the list of positions a handlermodule provides.
- Parameters:
handlermodule – Identifier of the handler module like “UserNotification”
- Return:
list oft actions
- GET /event/actions/(handlermodule)¶
Return the list of actions a handlermodule provides.
- Parameters:
handlermodule – Identifier of the handler module like “UserNotification”
- Return:
list oft actions
- GET /event/conditions/(handlermodule)¶
Return the list of conditions a handlermodule provides.
- Parameters:
handlermodule – Identifier of the handler module like “UserNotification”
- Return:
list oft actions
- POST /event¶
This creates a new event handling definition
- Parameters:
name – A describing name of the event.bool
id – (optional) when updating an existing event you need to specify the id
event – A comma separated list of events
handlermodule – A handlermodule
action – The action to perform
ordering – An integer number
position – “pre” or “post”
conditions – Conditions, when the event will trigger
options. – A list of possible options.
- POST /event/enable/(eventid)¶
Enable a given event by its id.
- JSON Parameters:
eventid – ID of the event
- Return:
ID in the database
- POST /event/disable/(eventid)¶
Disable a given policy by its name.
- JSON Parameters:
name – The name of the policy
- Return:
ID in the database
- DELETE /event/(eid)¶
this function deletes an existing event handling configuration
- Parameters:
eid – The id of the event handling configuration
- Return:
json with success or fail