Source code for edumfa.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# License:  AGPLv3
# This file is part of eduMFA. eduMFA is a fork of privacyIDEA which was forked from LinOTP.
# Copyright (c) 2024 eduMFA Project-Team
# Previous authors by privacyIDEA project:
# 2018 Friedrich Weber <>
# 2018 Paul Lettich <>
# 2014 - 2017 Cornelius Kölbel <>
# This model definition is based on the LinOTP model.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or any later version.
# This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import binascii
import logging
import traceback
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from import tzutc
from json import loads, dumps
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from edumfa.lib.crypto import (encrypt,
from sqlalchemy import and_
from sqlalchemy.schema import Sequence, CreateSequence
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy import BigInteger
from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql, mysql, sqlite
from .lib.log import log_with
from edumfa.lib.utils import (is_true, convert_column_to_unicode,
from edumfa.lib.crypto import pass_hash, verify_pass_hash
from edumfa.lib.framework import get_app_config_value

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#  After changing the database model do not forget to run
#  ./edumfa-manage db migrate
#  and edit the autogenerated script.

implicit_returning = True
EDUMFA_TIMESTAMP = "__timestamp__"

BigIntegerType = BigInteger().with_variant(postgresql.BIGINT(), 'postgresql').with_variant(mysql.BIGINT(), 'mysql').with_variant(sqlite.INTEGER(), 'sqlite')

db = SQLAlchemy()

# Add fractions to the MySQL DataTime column type
@compiles(db.DateTime, "mysql")
def compile_datetime_mysql(type_, compiler, **kw):  # pragma: no cover
    return "DATETIME(6)"

# Fix creation of sequences on MariaDB (and MySQL, which does not support
# sequences anyway) with galera by adding INCREMENT BY 0 to CREATE SEQUENCE
@compiles(CreateSequence, 'mysql')
@compiles(CreateSequence, 'mariadb')
def increment_by_zero(element, compiler, **kw):  # pragma: no cover
    text = compiler.visit_create_sequence(element, **kw)
    text = text + " INCREMENT BY 0"
    return text

[docs] class MethodsMixin: """ This class mixes in some common Class table functions like delete and save """ def save(self): db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() return def delete(self): ret = db.session.delete(self) db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] def save_config_timestamp(invalidate_config=True): """ Save the current timestamp to the database, and optionally invalidate the current request-local config object. :param invalidate_config: defaults to True """ c1 = Config.query.filter_by(Key=EDUMFA_TIMESTAMP).first() if c1: c1.Value ="%s") else: new_timestamp = Config(EDUMFA_TIMESTAMP,"%s"), Description="config timestamp. last changed.") db.session.add(new_timestamp) if invalidate_config: # We have just modified the config. From now on, the request handling # should operate on the *new* config. Hence, we need to invalidate # the current request-local config object. The next access to the config # during this request will reload the config from the database and create # a new request-local config object, which holds the *new* config. from edumfa.lib.config import invalidate_config_object invalidate_config_object()
[docs] class TimestampMethodsMixin: """ This class mixes in the table functions including update of the timestamp """ def save(self): db.session.add(self) save_config_timestamp() db.session.commit() return def delete(self): ret = db.session.delete(self) save_config_timestamp() db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class Token(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ The "Token" table contains the basic token data. It contains data like * serial number * secret key * PINs * ... The table :py:class:`edumfa.models.TokenOwner` contains the owner information of the specified token. The table :py:class:`edumfa.models.TokenInfo` contains additional information that is specific to the tokentype. """ __tablename__ = 'token' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("token_seq"), primary_key=True, nullable=False) description = db.Column(db.Unicode(80), default='') serial = db.Column(db.Unicode(40), default='', unique=True, nullable=False, index=True) tokentype = db.Column(db.Unicode(30), default='HOTP', index=True) user_pin = db.Column(db.Unicode(512), default='') # encrypt user_pin_iv = db.Column(db.Unicode(32), default='') # encrypt so_pin = db.Column(db.Unicode(512), default='') # encrypt so_pin_iv = db.Column(db.Unicode(32), default='') # encrypt pin_seed = db.Column(db.Unicode(32), default='') otplen = db.Column(db.Integer(), default=6) pin_hash = db.Column(db.Unicode(512), default='') # hashed key_enc = db.Column(db.Unicode(2800), default='') # encrypt key_iv = db.Column(db.Unicode(32), default='') maxfail = db.Column(db.Integer(), default=10) active = db.Column(db.Boolean(), nullable=False, default=True) revoked = db.Column(db.Boolean(), default=False) locked = db.Column(db.Boolean(), default=False) failcount = db.Column(db.Integer(), default=0) count = db.Column(db.Integer(), default=0) count_window = db.Column(db.Integer(), default=10) sync_window = db.Column(db.Integer(), default=1000) rollout_state = db.Column(db.Unicode(10), default='') info_list = db.relationship('TokenInfo', lazy='select', backref='token') # This creates an attribute "token" in the TokenOwner object owners = db.relationship('TokenOwner', lazy='dynamic', backref='token') def __init__(self, serial, tokentype="", isactive=True, otplen=6, otpkey="", userid=None, resolver=None, realm=None, **kwargs): super(Token, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.serial = '' + serial self.tokentype = tokentype self.count = 0 self.failcount = 0 self.maxfail = 10 = isactive self.revoked = False self.locked = False self.count_window = 10 self.otplen = otplen self.pin_seed = "" self.set_otpkey(otpkey) # also create the user assignment if userid and resolver and realm: # We can not create the tokenrealm-connection and owner-connection, yet # since we need to token_id. token_id = realm_id = Realm.query.filter_by(name=realm).first().id tr = TokenRealm(realm_id=realm_id, token_id=token_id) if tr: db.session.add(tr) to = TokenOwner(token_id=token_id, user_id=userid, resolver=resolver, realm_id=realm_id) if to: db.session.add(to) if tr or to: db.session.commit() @property def first_owner(self): return self.owners.first() @log_with(log) def delete(self): # some DBs (e.g. DB2) run in deadlock, if the TokenRealm entry # is deleted via key relation, so we delete it explicit ret = db.session.query(TokenRealm)\ .filter(TokenRealm.token_id ==\ .delete() db.session.query(TokenOwner)\ .filter(TokenOwner.token_id ==\ .delete() db.session.query(MachineToken)\ .filter(MachineToken.token_id ==\ .delete() db.session.query(Challenge)\ .filter(Challenge.serial == self.serial)\ .delete() db.session.query(TokenInfo)\ .filter(TokenInfo.token_id ==\ .delete() db.session.query(TokenTokengroup)\ .filter(TokenTokengroup.token_id ==\ .delete() db.session.delete(self) db.session.commit() return ret @staticmethod def _fix_spaces(data): """ On MS SQL server empty fields ("") like the info are returned as a string with a space (" "). This functions helps fixing this. Also avoids running into errors, if the data is a None Type. :param data: a string from the database :type data: str :return: a stripped string :rtype: str """ if data: data = data.strip() return data @log_with(log, hide_args=[1]) def set_otpkey(self, otpkey, reset_failcount=True): iv = geturandom(16) self.key_enc = encrypt(otpkey, iv) length = len(self.key_enc) if length >[0].type.length: log.error("Key {0!s} exceeds database field {1:d}!".format(self.serial, length)) self.key_iv = hexlify_and_unicode(iv) self.count = 0 if reset_failcount is True: self.failcount = 0
[docs] def set_tokengroups(self, tokengroups, add=False): """ Set the list of the tokengroups. This is done by filling the :py:class:`edumfa.models.TokenTokengroup` table. :param tokengroups: the tokengroups :type tokengroups: list[str] :param add: If set, the tokengroups are added. I.e. old tokengroups are not deleted :type add: bool """ # delete old Tokengroups if not add: db.session.query(TokenTokengroup)\ .filter(TokenTokengroup.token_id ==\ .delete() # add new Tokengroups # We must not set the same tokengroup more than once... # uniquify: tokengroups -> set(tokengroups) for tokengroup in set(tokengroups): # Get the id of the realm to add g = Tokengroup.query.filter_by(name=tokengroup).first() if g: # Check if TokenTokengroup already exists tg = TokenTokengroup.query.filter_by(, if not tg: # If the Tokengroup is not yet attached to the token Tg = TokenTokengroup(, db.session.add(Tg) db.session.commit()
[docs] def set_realms(self, realms, add=False): """ Set the list of the realms. This is done by filling the :py:class:`eduMFA.models.TokenRealm` table. :param realms: realms :type realms: list[str] :param add: If set, the realms are added. I.e. old realms are not deleted :type add: bool """ # delete old TokenRealms if not add: db.session.query(TokenRealm)\ .filter(TokenRealm.token_id ==\ .delete() # add new TokenRealms # We must not set the same realm more than once... # uniquify: realms -> set(realms) for realm in set(realms): # Get the id of the realm to add r = Realm.query.filter_by(name=realm).first() if r: # Check if tokenrealm already exists tr = TokenRealm.query.filter_by(, if not tr: # If the realm is not yet attached to the token Tr = TokenRealm(, db.session.add(Tr) db.session.commit()
[docs] def get_realms(self): """ return a list of the assigned realms :return: the realms of the token :rtype: list """ realms = [] for tokenrealm in self.realm_list: realms.append( return realms
@log_with(log) def set_user_pin(self, userPin): iv = geturandom(16) self.user_pin = encrypt(userPin, iv) self.user_pin_iv = hexlify_and_unicode(iv) @log_with(log) def get_otpkey(self): key = binascii.unhexlify(self.key_enc) iv = binascii.unhexlify(self.key_iv) secret = SecretObj(key, iv) return secret
[docs] @log_with(log) def get_user_pin(self): """ return the userPin :rtype : the PIN as a secretObject """ pu = self.user_pin or '' puiv = self.user_pin_iv or '' key = binascii.unhexlify(pu) iv = binascii.unhexlify(puiv) secret = SecretObj(key, iv) return secret
[docs] def set_hashed_pin(self, pin): """ Set the pin of the token in hashed format :param pin: the pin to hash :type pin: str :return: the hashed pin :rtype: str """ self.pin_hash = pass_hash(pin) return self.pin_hash
[docs] def get_hashed_pin(self, pin): """ calculate a hash from a pin Fix for working with MS SQL servers MS SQL servers sometimes return a '<space>' when the column is empty: '' :param pin: the pin to hash :type pin: str :return: hashed pin with current pin_seed :rtype: str """ seed_str = self._fix_spaces(self.pin_seed) seed = binascii.unhexlify(seed_str) hPin = hash(pin, seed) log.debug("hPin: {0!s}, pin: {1!r}, seed: {2!s}".format(hPin, pin, self.pin_seed)) return hPin
@log_with(log) def set_description(self, desc): if desc is None: desc = "" self.description = convert_column_to_unicode(desc) return self.description
[docs] def set_pin(self, pin, hashed=True): """ set the OTP pin in a hashed way """ upin = "" if pin != "" and pin is not None: upin = pin if hashed is True: self.set_hashed_pin(upin) log.debug("setPin(HASH:{0!r})".format(self.pin_hash)) else: self.pin_hash = "@@" + encryptPin(upin) log.debug("setPin(ENCR:{0!r})".format(self.pin_hash)) return self.pin_hash
def check_pin(self, pin): res = False # check for a valid input if pin is not None: if self.is_pin_encrypted() is True: log.debug("we got an encrypted PIN!") tokenPin = self.pin_hash[2:] decryptTokenPin = decryptPin(tokenPin) if (decryptTokenPin == pin): res = True else: log.debug("we got a hashed PIN!") if self.pin_hash: try: # New PIN verification return verify_pass_hash(pin, self.pin_hash) except ValueError as _e: # old PIN verification mypHash = self.get_hashed_pin(pin) else: mypHash = pin if mypHash == (self.pin_hash or ""): res = True return res def is_pin_encrypted(self, pin=None): ret = False if pin is None: pin = self.pin_hash or "" if pin.startswith("@@"): ret = True return ret def get_pin(self): ret = -1 if self.is_pin_encrypted() is True: tokenPin = self.pin_hash[2:] ret = decryptPin(tokenPin) return ret
[docs] def set_so_pin(self, soPin): """ For smartcards this sets the security officer pin of the token :rtype : None """ iv = geturandom(16) self.so_pin = encrypt(soPin, iv) self.so_pin_iv = hexlify_and_unicode(iv) return self.so_pin, self.so_pin_iv
[docs] @log_with(log) def get(self, key=None, fallback=None, save=False): """ simulate the dict behaviour to make challenge processing easier, as this will have to deal as well with 'dict only challenges' :param key: the attribute name - in case of key is not provided, a dict of all class attributes are returned :param fallback: if the attribute is not found, the fallback is returned :param save: in case of all attributes and save==True, the timestamp is converted to a string representation """ if key is None: return self.get_vars(save=save) td = self.get_vars(save=save) return td.get(key, fallback)
@log_with(log) def get_vars(self, save=False): log.debug('get_vars()') tokenowner = self.first_owner ret = {} ret['id'] = ret['description'] = self.description ret['serial'] = self.serial ret['tokentype'] = self.tokentype ret['info'] = self.get_info() ret['resolver'] = "" if not tokenowner else tokenowner.resolver ret['user_id'] = "" if not tokenowner else tokenowner.user_id ret['otplen'] = self.otplen ret['maxfail'] = self.maxfail ret['active'] = ret['revoked'] = self.revoked ret['locked'] = self.locked ret['failcount'] = self.failcount ret['count'] = self.count ret['count_window'] = self.count_window ret['sync_window'] = self.sync_window ret['rollout_state'] = self.rollout_state # list of Realm names realm_list = [] for realm_entry in self.realm_list: realm_list.append( ret['realms'] = realm_list # list of tokengroups tokengroup_list = [] for tg_entry in self.tokengroup_list: tokengroup_list.append( ret['tokengroup'] = tokengroup_list return ret def __str__(self): return self.serial def __repr__(self): """ return the token state as text :return: token state as string representation :rtype: str """ ldict = {} for attr in self.__dict__: key = "{0!r}".format(attr) val = "{0!r}".format(getattr(self, attr)) ldict[key] = val res = "<{0!r} {1!r}>".format(self.__class__, ldict) return res
[docs] def set_info(self, info): """ Set the additional token info for this token Entries that end with ".type" are used as type for the keys. I.e. two entries sshkey="XYZ" and sshkey.type="password" will store the key sshkey as type "password". :param info: The key-values to set for this token :type info: dict """ if not # If there is no ID to reference the token, we need to save the # token types = {} for k, v in info.items(): if k.endswith(".type"): types[".".join(k.split(".")[:-1])] = v for k, v in info.items(): if not k.endswith(".type"): TokenInfo(, k, v, Type=types.get(k)).save(persistent=False) db.session.commit()
[docs] def del_info(self, key=None): """ Deletes tokeninfo for a given token. If the key is omitted, all Tokeninfo is deleted. :param key: searches for the given key to delete the entry :return: """ if key: tokeninfos = TokenInfo.query.filter_by(, Key=key) else: tokeninfos = TokenInfo.query.filter_by( for ti in tokeninfos: ti.delete()
[docs] def del_tokengroup(self, tokengroup=None, tokengroup_id=None): """ Deletes the tokengroup from the given token. If tokengroup name and id are omitted, all tokengroups are deleted. :param tokengroup: The name of the tokengroup :type tokengroup: str :param tokengroup_id: The id of the tokengroup :type tokengroup_id: int :return: """ if tokengroup: # We need to resolve the id of the tokengroup t = Tokengroup.query.filter_by(name=tokengroup).first() if not t: raise Exception("tokengroup does not exist") tokengroup_id = if tokengroup_id: tgs = TokenTokengroup.query.filter_by(tokengroup_id=tokengroup_id, else: tgs = TokenTokengroup.query.filter_by( for tg in tgs: tg.delete()
[docs] def get_info(self): """ :return: The token info as dictionary """ ret = {} for ti in self.info_list: if ti.Type: ret[ti.Key + ".type"] = ti.Type ret[ti.Key] = ti.Value return ret
[docs] def update_type(self, typ): """ in case the previous has been different type we must reset the counters But be aware, ray, this could also be upper and lower case mixing... """ if self.tokentype.lower() != typ.lower(): self.count = 0 self.failcount = 0 self.tokentype = typ return
[docs] def update_otpkey(self, otpkey): """ in case of a new hOtpKey we have to do some more things """ if otpkey is not None: secretObj = self.get_otpkey() if is False: log.debug('update token OtpKey - counter reset') self.set_otpkey(otpkey)
def update_token(self, description=None, otpkey=None, pin=None): if description is not None: self.set_description(description) if pin is not None: self.set_pin(pin) if otpkey is not None: self.update_otpkey(otpkey)
[docs] class TokenInfo(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ The table "tokeninfo" is used to store additional, long information that is specific to the tokentype. E.g. the tokentype "TOTP" has additional entries in the tokeninfo table for "timeStep" and "timeWindow", which are stored in the column "Key" and "Value". The tokeninfo is reference by the foreign key to the "token" table. """ __tablename__ = 'tokeninfo' id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("tokeninfo_seq"), primary_key=True) Key = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) Value = db.Column(db.UnicodeText(), default='') Type = db.Column(db.Unicode(100), default='') Description = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') token_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey(''), index=True) __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('token_id', 'Key', name='tiix_2'), {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}) def __init__(self, token_id, Key, Value, Type= None, Description=None): """ Create a new tokeninfo for a given token_id """ self.token_id = token_id self.Key = Key self.Value = convert_column_to_unicode(Value) self.Type = Type self.Description = Description def save(self, persistent=True): ti_func = TokenInfo.query.filter_by(token_id=self.token_id, Key=self.Key).first ti = ti_func() if ti is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() if get_app_config_value(SAFE_STORE, False): ti = ti_func() ret = else: ret = else: # update TokenInfo.query.filter_by(token_id=self.token_id, Key=self.Key).update({'Value': self.Value, 'Description': self.Description, 'Type': self.Type}) ret = if persistent: db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class CustomUserAttribute(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ The table "customuserattribute" is used to store additional, custom attributes for users. A user is identified by the user_id, the resolver_id and the realm_id. The additional attributes are stored in Key and Value. The Type can hold extra information like e.g. an encrypted value / password. Note: Since the users are external, i.e. no objects in this database, there is not logic reference on a database level. Since users could be deleted from user stores without eduMFA realizing that, this table could pile up with remnants of attributes. """ __tablename__ = 'customuserattribute' id = db.Column(db.Integer(), Sequence("customuserattribute_seq"), primary_key=True) user_id = db.Column(db.Unicode(320), default='', index=True) resolver = db.Column(db.Unicode(120), default='', index=True) realm_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('')) Key = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) Value = db.Column(db.UnicodeText(), default='') Type = db.Column(db.Unicode(100), default='') def __init__(self, user_id, resolver, realm_id, Key, Value, Type=None): """ Create a new customuserattribute for a user tuple """ self.user_id = user_id self.resolver = resolver self.realm_id = realm_id self.Key = Key self.Value = convert_column_to_unicode(Value) self.Type = Type def save(self, persistent=True): ua = CustomUserAttribute.query.filter_by(user_id=self.user_id, resolver=self.resolver, realm_id=self.realm_id, Key=self.Key).first() if ua is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() ret = else: # update CustomUserAttribute.query.filter_by(user_id=self.user_id, resolver=self.resolver, realm_id=self.realm_id, Key=self.Key ).update({'Value': self.Value, 'Type': self.Type}) ret = if persistent: db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class Admin(db.Model): """ The administrators for managing the system. To manage the administrators use the command edumfa-manage. In addition certain realms can be defined to be administrative realms. :param username: The username of the admin :type username: basestring :param password: The password of the admin (stored using PBKDF2, salt and pepper) :type password: basestring :param email: The email address of the admin (not used at the moment) :type email: basestring """ __tablename__ = "admin" __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} username = db.Column(db.Unicode(120), primary_key=True, nullable=False) password = db.Column(db.Unicode(255)) email = db.Column(db.Unicode(255)) def save(self): c = Admin.query.filter_by(username=self.username).first() if c is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() ret = self.username else: # update update_dict = {} if update_dict["email"] = if self.password: update_dict["password"] = self.password Admin.query.filter_by(username=self.username)\ .update(update_dict) ret = c.username db.session.commit() return ret def delete(self): db.session.delete(self) db.session.commit()
[docs] class Config(TimestampMethodsMixin, db.Model): """ The config table holds all the system configuration in key value pairs. Additional configuration for realms, resolvers and machine resolvers is stored in specific tables. """ __tablename__ = "config" __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} Key = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), primary_key=True, nullable=False) Value = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') Type = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') Description = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') @log_with(log) def __init__(self, Key, Value, Type='', Description=''): self.Key = convert_column_to_unicode(Key) self.Value = convert_column_to_unicode(Value) self.Type = convert_column_to_unicode(Type) self.Description = convert_column_to_unicode(Description) def __str__(self): return "<{0!s} ({1!s})>".format(self.Key, self.Type) def save(self): db.session.add(self) save_config_timestamp() db.session.commit() return self.Key def delete(self): ret = self.Key db.session.delete(self) save_config_timestamp() db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class Realm(TimestampMethodsMixin, db.Model): """ The realm table contains the defined realms. User Resolvers can be grouped to realms. This very table contains just contains the names of the realms. The linking to resolvers is stored in the table "resolverrealm". """ __tablename__ = 'realm' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("realm_seq"), primary_key=True, nullable=False) name = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default='', unique=True, nullable=False) default = db.Column(db.Boolean(), default=False) option = db.Column(db.Unicode(40), default='') resolver_list = db.relationship('ResolverRealm', lazy='select', back_populates='realm') @log_with(log) def __init__(self, realm): = realm def delete(self): ret = # delete all TokenRealm db.session.query(TokenRealm)\ .filter(TokenRealm.realm_id == ret)\ .delete() # delete all ResolverRealms db.session.query(ResolverRealm)\ .filter(ResolverRealm.realm_id == ret)\ .delete() # delete the realm db.session.delete(self) save_config_timestamp() db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class CAConnector(TimestampMethodsMixin, db.Model): """ The table "caconnector" contains the names and types of the defined CA connectors. Each connector has a different configuration, that is stored in the table "caconnectorconfig". """ __tablename__ = 'caconnector' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("caconnector_seq"), primary_key=True, nullable=False) name = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default="", unique=True, nullable=False) catype = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default="", nullable=False) caconfig = db.relationship('CAConnectorConfig', lazy='dynamic', backref='caconnector') def __init__(self, name, catype): = name self.catype = catype def delete(self): ret = # delete all CAConnectorConfig db.session.query(CAConnectorConfig)\ .filter(CAConnectorConfig.caconnector_id == ret)\ .delete() # Delete the CA itself db.session.delete(self) save_config_timestamp() db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class CAConnectorConfig(db.Model): """ Each CAConnector can have multiple configuration entries. Each CA Connector type can have different required config values. Therefor the configuration is stored in simple key/value pairs. If the type of a config entry is set to "password" the value of this config entry is stored encrypted. The config entries are referenced by the id of the resolver. """ __tablename__ = 'caconnectorconfig' id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("caconfig_seq"), primary_key=True) caconnector_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) Key = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) Value = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') Type = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') Description = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('caconnector_id', 'Key', name='ccix_2'), {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}) def __init__(self, caconnector_id=None, Key=None, Value=None, caconnector=None, Type="", Description=""): if caconnector_id: self.caconnector_id = caconnector_id elif caconnector: self.caconnector_id = CAConnector.query\ .filter_by(name=caconnector)\ .first()\ .id self.Key = Key self.Value = convert_column_to_unicode(Value) self.Type = Type self.Description = Description def save(self): c = CAConnectorConfig.query.filter_by(caconnector_id=self.caconnector_id, Key=self.Key).first() save_config_timestamp() if c is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() ret = else: # update CAConnectorConfig.query.filter_by(caconnector_id=self.caconnector_id, Key=self.Key ).update({'Value': self.Value, 'Type': self.Type, 'Descrip' 'tion': self.Description}) ret = db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class Resolver(TimestampMethodsMixin, db.Model): """ The table "resolver" contains the names and types of the defined User Resolvers. As each Resolver can have different required config values the configuration of the resolvers is stored in the table "resolverconfig". """ __tablename__ = 'resolver' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("resolver_seq"), primary_key=True, nullable=False) name = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default="", unique=True, nullable=False) rtype = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default="", nullable=False) # This creates an attribute "resolver" in the ResolverConfig object config_list = db.relationship('ResolverConfig', lazy='select') realm_list = db.relationship('ResolverRealm', lazy='select', back_populates='resolver') def __init__(self, name, rtype): = name self.rtype = rtype def delete(self): ret = # delete all ResolverConfig db.session.query(ResolverConfig)\ .filter(ResolverConfig.resolver_id == ret)\ .delete() # delete the Resolver itself db.session.delete(self) save_config_timestamp() db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class ResolverConfig(TimestampMethodsMixin, db.Model): """ Each Resolver can have multiple configuration entries. Each Resolver type can have different required config values. Therefor the configuration is stored in simple key/value pairs. If the type of a config entry is set to "password" the value of this config entry is stored encrypted. The config entries are referenced by the id of the resolver. """ __tablename__ = 'resolverconfig' id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("resolverconf_seq"), primary_key=True) resolver_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) Key = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) Value = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') Type = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') Description = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('resolver_id', 'Key', name='rcix_2'), {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}) def __init__(self, resolver_id=None, Key=None, Value=None, resolver=None, Type="", Description=""): if resolver_id: self.resolver_id = resolver_id elif resolver: self.resolver_id = Resolver.query\ .filter_by(name=resolver)\ .first()\ .id self.Key = convert_column_to_unicode(Key) self.Value = convert_column_to_unicode(Value) self.Type = convert_column_to_unicode(Type) self.Description = convert_column_to_unicode(Description) def save(self): c = ResolverConfig.query.filter_by(resolver_id=self.resolver_id, Key=self.Key).first() if c is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() ret = else: # update ResolverConfig.query.filter_by(resolver_id=self.resolver_id, Key=self.Key ).update({'Value': self.Value, 'Type': self.Type, 'Descrip' 'tion': self.Description}) ret = save_config_timestamp() db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class ResolverRealm(TimestampMethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This table stores which Resolver is located in which realm This is a N:M relation """ __tablename__ = 'resolverrealm' id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("resolverrealm_seq"), primary_key=True) resolver_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("")) realm_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("")) # If there are several resolvers in a realm, the priority is used the # find a user first in a resolver with a higher priority (i.e. lower number) priority = db.Column(db.Integer) resolver = db.relationship(Resolver, lazy="joined", back_populates="realm_list") realm = db.relationship(Realm, lazy="joined", back_populates="resolver_list") __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('resolver_id', 'realm_id', name='rrix_2'), {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}) def __init__(self, resolver_id=None, realm_id=None, resolver_name=None, realm_name=None, priority=None): self.resolver_id = None self.realm_id = None if priority: self.priority = priority if resolver_id: self.resolver_id = resolver_id elif resolver_name: self.resolver_id = Resolver.query\ .filter_by(name=resolver_name)\ .first().id if realm_id: self.realm_id = realm_id elif realm_name: self.realm_id = Realm.query\ .filter_by(name=realm_name)\ .first().id
[docs] class TokenOwner(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This tables stores the owner of a token. A token can be assigned to several users. """ __tablename__ = 'tokenowner' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer(), Sequence("tokenowner_seq"), primary_key=True) token_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('')) resolver = db.Column(db.Unicode(120), default='', index=True) user_id = db.Column(db.Unicode(320), default='', index=True) realm_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('')) # This creates an attribute "tokenowners" in the realm objects realm = db.relationship('Realm', lazy='joined', backref='tokenowners') def __init__(self, token_id=None, serial=None, user_id=None, resolver=None, realm_id=None, realmname=None): """ Create a new token assignment to a user. :param token_id: The database ID of the token :param serial: The alternate serial number of the token :param resolver: The identifying name of the resolver :param realm_id: The database ID of the realm :param realmname: The alternate name of realm """ if realm_id is not None: self.realm_id = realm_id elif realmname: r = Realm.query.filter_by(name=realmname).first() self.realm_id = if token_id is not None: self.token_id = token_id elif serial: r = Token.query.filter_by(serial=serial).first() self.token_id = self.resolver = resolver self. user_id = user_id def save(self, persistent=True): to_func = TokenOwner.query.filter_by(token_id=self.token_id, user_id=self.user_id, realm_id=self.realm_id, resolver=self.resolver).first to = to_func() if to is None: # This very assignment does not exist, yet: db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() if get_app_config_value(SAFE_STORE, False): to = to_func() ret = else: ret = else: ret = # There is nothing to update if persistent: db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class TokenRealm(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This table stores to which realms a token is assigned. A token is in the realm of the user it is assigned to. But a token can also be put into many additional realms. """ __tablename__ = 'tokenrealm' id = db.Column(db.Integer(), Sequence("tokenrealm_seq"), primary_key=True, nullable=True) token_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('')) realm_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('')) # This creates an attribute "realm_list" in the Token object token = db.relationship('Token', lazy='joined', backref='realm_list') # This creates an attribute "token_list" in the Realm object realm = db.relationship('Realm', lazy='joined', backref='token_list') __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('token_id', 'realm_id', name='trix_2'), {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}) def __init__(self, realm_id=0, token_id=0, realmname=None): """ Create a new TokenRealm entry. :param realm_id: The id of the realm :param token_id: The id of the token """ log.debug("setting realm_id to {0:d}".format(realm_id)) if realmname: r = Realm.query.filter_by(name=realmname).first() self.realm_id = if realm_id: self.realm_id = realm_id self.token_id = token_id
[docs] def save(self): """ We only save this, if it does not exist, yet. """ tr_func = TokenRealm.query.filter_by(realm_id=self.realm_id, token_id=self.token_id).first tr = tr_func() if tr is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() if get_app_config_value(SAFE_STORE, False): tr = tr_func() ret = else: ret = else: ret = return ret
[docs] class PasswordReset(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ Table for handling password resets. This table stores the recoverycodes sent to a given user The application should save the HASH of the recovery code. Just like the password for the Admins the application shall salt and pepper the hash of the recoverycode. A database admin will not be able to inject a rogue recovery code. A user can get several recoverycodes. A recovery code has a validity period Optional: The email to which the recoverycode was sent, can be stored. """ __tablename__ = "passwordreset" __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer(), Sequence("pwreset_seq"), primary_key=True, nullable=False) recoverycode = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) username = db.Column(db.Unicode(64), nullable=False, index=True) realm = db.Column(db.Unicode(64), nullable=False, index=True) resolver = db.Column(db.Unicode(64)) email = db.Column(db.Unicode(255)) timestamp = db.Column(db.DateTime, expiration = db.Column(db.DateTime) @log_with(log) def __init__(self, recoverycode, username, realm, resolver="", email=None, timestamp=None, expiration=None, expiration_seconds=3600): # The default expiration time is 60 minutes self.recoverycode = recoverycode self.username = username self.realm = realm self.resolver = resolver = email self.timestamp = timestamp or self.expiration = expiration or + \ timedelta(seconds=expiration_seconds)
[docs] class Challenge(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ Table for handling of the generic challenges. """ __tablename__ = "challenge" __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(BigIntegerType, Sequence("challenge_seq"), primary_key=True, nullable=False) transaction_id = db.Column(db.Unicode(64), nullable=False, index=True) data = db.Column(db.Unicode(512), default='') challenge = db.Column(db.Unicode(512), default='') session = db.Column(db.Unicode(512), default='', quote=True, name="session") # The token serial number serial = db.Column(db.Unicode(40), default='', index=True) timestamp = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.utcnow(), index=True) expiration = db.Column(db.DateTime) received_count = db.Column(db.Integer(), default=0) otp_valid = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False) @log_with(log) def __init__(self, serial, transaction_id=None, challenge='', data='', session='', validitytime=120): self.transaction_id = transaction_id or self.create_transaction_id() self.challenge = challenge self.serial = serial = data self.timestamp = datetime.utcnow() self.session = session self.received_count = 0 self.otp_valid = False self.expiration = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=validitytime) @staticmethod def create_transaction_id(length=20): return get_rand_digit_str(length)
[docs] def is_valid(self): """ Returns true, if the expiration time has not passed, yet. :return: True if valid :rtype: bool """ ret = False c_now = datetime.utcnow() if self.timestamp <= c_now < self.expiration: ret = True return ret
[docs] def set_data(self, data): """ set the internal data of the challenge :param data: unicode data :type data: string, length 512 """ if type(data) in [dict, list]: = dumps(data) else: = convert_column_to_unicode(data)
def get_data(self): data = {} try: data = loads( except: data = return data def get_session(self): return self.session def set_session(self, session): self.session = convert_column_to_unicode(session) def set_challenge(self, challenge): self.challenge = convert_column_to_unicode(challenge) def get_challenge(self): return self.challenge def set_otp_status(self, valid=False): self.received_count += 1 self.otp_valid = valid
[docs] def get_otp_status(self): """ This returns how many OTPs were already received for this challenge. and if a valid OTP was received. :return: tuple of count and True/False :rtype: tuple """ return self.received_count, self.otp_valid
def get_transaction_id(self): return self.transaction_id
[docs] def get(self, timestamp=False): """ return a dictionary of all vars in the challenge class :param timestamp: if true, the timestamp will given in a readable format 2014-11-29 21:56:43.057293 :type timestamp: bool :return: dict of vars """ descr = {} descr['id'] = descr['transaction_id'] = self.transaction_id descr['challenge'] = self.challenge descr['serial'] = self.serial descr['data'] = self.get_data() if timestamp is True: descr['timestamp'] = "{0!s}".format(self.timestamp) else: descr['timestamp'] = self.timestamp descr['otp_received'] = self.received_count > 0 descr['received_count'] = self.received_count descr['otp_valid'] = self.otp_valid descr['expiration'] = self.expiration return descr
def __str__(self): descr = self.get() return "{0!s}".format(descr)
[docs] def cleanup_challenges(): """ Delete all challenges, that have expired. :return: None """ c_now = datetime.utcnow() Challenge.query.filter(Challenge.expiration < c_now).delete() db.session.commit()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # POLICY #
[docs] class Policy(TimestampMethodsMixin, db.Model): """ The policy table contains the policy definitions. The Policies control the behaviour in the scopes * enrollment * authentication * authorization * administration * user actions * webui """ __tablename__ = "policy" __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("policy_seq"), primary_key=True) active = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=True) check_all_resolvers = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False) name = db.Column(db.Unicode(64), unique=True, nullable=False) scope = db.Column(db.Unicode(32), nullable=False) action = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default="") realm = db.Column(db.Unicode(256), default="") adminrealm = db.Column(db.Unicode(256), default="") adminuser = db.Column(db.Unicode(256), default="") resolver = db.Column(db.Unicode(256), default="") edumfanode = db.Column(db.Unicode(256), default="") user = db.Column(db.Unicode(256), default="") client = db.Column(db.Unicode(256), default="") time = db.Column(db.Unicode(64), default="") # If there are multiple matching policies, choose the one # with the lowest priority number. We choose 1 to be the default priotity. priority = db.Column(db.Integer, default=1, nullable=False) conditions = db.relationship("PolicyCondition", lazy="joined", backref="policy", order_by="", # With these cascade options, we ensure that whenever a Policy object is added # to a session, its conditions are also added to the session (save-update, merge). # Likewise, whenever a Policy object is deleted, its conditions are also # deleted (delete). Conditions without a policy are deleted (delete-orphan). cascade="save-update, merge, delete, delete-orphan") def __init__(self, name, active=True, scope="", action="", realm="", adminrealm="", adminuser="", resolver="", user="", client="", time="", edumfanode="", priority=1, check_all_resolvers=False, conditions=None): if isinstance(active, str): active = is_true(active.lower()) = name self.action = action self.scope = scope = active self.realm = realm self.adminrealm = adminrealm self.adminuser = adminuser self.resolver = resolver self.edumfanode = edumfanode self.user = user self.client = client self.time = time self.priority = priority self.check_all_resolvers = check_all_resolvers if conditions is None: self.conditions = [] else: self.set_conditions(conditions)
[docs] def set_conditions(self, conditions): """ Replace the list of conditions of this policy with a new list of conditions, i.e. a list of 5-tuples (section, key, comparator, value, active). """ self.conditions = [] for section, key, comparator, value, active in conditions: condition_object = PolicyCondition( section=section, Key=key, comparator=comparator, Value=value, active=active, ) self.conditions.append(condition_object)
[docs] def get_conditions_tuples(self): """ :return: a list of 5-tuples (section, key, comparator, value, active). """ return [condition.as_tuple() for condition in self.conditions]
@staticmethod def _split_string(value): """ Split the value at the "," and returns an array. If value is empty, it returns an empty array. The normal split would return an array with an empty string. :param value: The string to be splitted :type value: basestring :return: list """ ret = [r.strip() for r in (value or "").split(",")] if ret == ['']: ret = [] return ret
[docs] def get(self, key=None): """ Either returns the complete policy entry or a single value :param key: return the value for this key :type key: string :return: complete dict or single value :rytpe: dict or value """ d = {"name":, "active":, "scope": self.scope, "realm": self._split_string(self.realm), "adminrealm": self._split_string(self.adminrealm), "adminuser": self._split_string(self.adminuser), "resolver": self._split_string(self.resolver), "edumfanode": self._split_string(self.edumfanode), "check_all_resolvers": self.check_all_resolvers, "user": self._split_string(self.user), "client": self._split_string(self.client), "time": self.time, "conditions": self.get_conditions_tuples(), "priority": self.priority} action_list = [x.strip().split("=", 1) for x in (self.action or "").split( ",")] action_dict = {} for a in action_list: if len(a) > 1: action_dict[a[0]] = a[1] else: action_dict[a[0]] = True d["action"] = action_dict if key: ret = d.get(key) else: ret = d return ret
[docs] class PolicyCondition(MethodsMixin, db.Model): __tablename__ = "policycondition" id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("policycondition_seq"), primary_key=True) policy_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) section = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) # We use upper-case "Key" and "Value" to prevent conflicts with databases # that do not support "key" or "value" as column names Key = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) comparator = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False, default='equals') Value = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), nullable=False, default='') active = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=True) __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}
[docs] def as_tuple(self): """ :return: the condition as a tuple (section, key, comparator, value, active) """ return self.section, self.Key, self.comparator, self.Value,
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Machines #
[docs] class MachineToken(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ The MachineToken assigns a Token and an application type to a machine. The Machine is represented as the tuple of and the machine_id. The machine_id is defined by the machineresolver. This can be an n:m mapping. """ __tablename__ = 'machinetoken' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer(), Sequence("machinetoken_seq"), primary_key=True, nullable=False) token_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('')) machineresolver_id = db.Column(db.Integer()) machine_id = db.Column(db.Unicode(255)) application = db.Column(db.Unicode(64)) # This connects the machine with the token and makes the machines visible # in the token as "machine_list". token = db.relationship('Token', lazy='joined', backref='machine_list') @log_with(log) def __init__(self, machineresolver_id=None, machineresolver=None, machine_id=None, token_id=None, serial=None, application=None): if machineresolver_id: self.machineresolver_id = machineresolver_id elif machineresolver: # determine the machineresolver_id: self.machineresolver_id = MachineResolver.query.filter( == machineresolver).first().id if token_id: self.token_id = token_id elif serial: # determine token_id self.token_id = Token.query.filter_by(serial=serial).first().id self.machine_id = machine_id self.application = application def delete(self): ret = db.session.query(MachineTokenOptions) \ .filter(MachineTokenOptions.machinetoken_id == \ .delete() db.session.delete(self) save_config_timestamp() db.session.commit() return ret
""" class MachineUser(db.Model): ''' The MachineUser maps a user to a client and an application on this client The tuple of (machine, USER, application) is unique. This can be an n:m mapping. ''' __tablename__ = "machineuser" id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True, nullable=False) resolver = db.Column(db.Unicode(120), default=u'', index=True) resclass = db.Column(db.Unicode(120), default=u'') user_id = db.Column(db.Unicode(120), default=u'', index=True) machine_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('')) application = db.Column(db.Unicode(64)) __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('resolver', 'resclass', 'user_id', 'machine_id', 'application', name='uixu_1'), {}) @log_with(log) def __init__(self, machine_id, resolver, resclass, user_id, application): log.debug("setting machine_id to %r" % machine_id) self.machine_id = machine_id self.resolver = resolver self.resclass = resclass self.user_id = user_id self.application = application @log_with(log) def store(self): db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() return True def to_json(self): machinename = "" ip = "" if self.machine: machinename = self.machine.cm_name ip = self.machine.cm_ip return {'id':, 'user_id': self.user_id, 'resolver': self.resolver, 'resclass': self.resclass, 'machine_id': self.machine_id, 'machinename': machinename, 'ip': ip, 'application': self.application} """
[docs] class MachineTokenOptions(db.Model): """ This class holds an Option for the token assigned to a certain client machine. Each Token-Clientmachine-Combination can have several options. """ __tablename__ = 'machinetokenoptions' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer(), Sequence("machtokenopt_seq"), primary_key=True, nullable=False) machinetoken_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('')) mt_key = db.Column(db.Unicode(64), nullable=False) mt_value = db.Column(db.Unicode(64), nullable=False) # This connects the MachineTokenOption with the MachineToken and makes the # options visible in the MachineToken as "option_list". machinetoken = db.relationship('MachineToken', lazy='joined', backref='option_list') def __init__(self, machinetoken_id, key, value): log.debug("setting {0!r} to {1!r} for MachineToken {2!s}".format(key, value, machinetoken_id)) self.machinetoken_id = machinetoken_id self.mt_key = convert_column_to_unicode(key) self.mt_value = convert_column_to_unicode(value) # if the combination machinetoken_id / mt_key already exist, # we need to update c = MachineTokenOptions.query.filter_by( machinetoken_id=self.machinetoken_id, mt_key=self.mt_key).first() if c is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) else: # update MachineTokenOptions.query.filter_by( machinetoken_id=self.machinetoken_id, mt_key=self.mt_key).update({'mt_value': self.mt_value}) db.session.commit()
""" class MachineUserOptions(db.Model): ''' This class holds an Option for the Users assigned to a certain client machine. Each User-Clientmachine-Combination can have several options. ''' __tablename__ = 'machineuseroptions' id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True, nullable=False) machineuser_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('')) mu_key = db.Column(db.Unicode(64), nullable=False) mu_value = db.Column(db.Unicode(64), nullable=False) def __init__(self, machineuser_id, key, value): log.debug("setting %r to %r for MachineUser %s" % (key, value, machineuser_id)) self.machineuser_id = machineuser_id self.mu_key = key self.mu_value = value db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() """
[docs] class EventHandler(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This model holds the list of defined events and actions to this events. A handler module can be bound to an event with the corresponding condition and action. """ __tablename__ = 'eventhandler' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("eventhandler_seq"), primary_key=True, nullable=False) # in fact the name is a description name = db.Column(db.Unicode(64), unique=False, nullable=True) active = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=True) ordering = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0) position = db.Column(db.Unicode(10), default="post") # This is the name of the event in the code event = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) # This is the identifier of an event handler module handlermodule = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) condition = db.Column(db.Unicode(1024), default="") action = db.Column(db.Unicode(1024), default="") # This creates an attribute "eventhandler" in the EventHandlerOption object options = db.relationship('EventHandlerOption', lazy='dynamic', backref='eventhandler') # This creates an attribute "eventhandler" in the EventHandlerCondition object conditions = db.relationship('EventHandlerCondition', lazy='dynamic', backref='eventhandler') def __init__(self, name, event, handlermodule, action, condition="", ordering=0, options=None, id=None, conditions=None, active=True, position="post"): = name self.ordering = ordering self.event = event self.handlermodule = handlermodule self.condition = condition self.action = action = active self.position = position if id == "": id = None = id # add the options to the event handler options = options or {} for k, v in options.items(): EventHandlerOption(, Key=k, Value=v).save() conditions = conditions or {} for k, v in conditions.items(): EventHandlerCondition(, Key=k, Value=v).save() # Delete event handler conditions, that ar not used anymore. ev_conditions = EventHandlerCondition.query.filter_by( for cond in ev_conditions: if cond.Key not in conditions: EventHandlerCondition.query.filter_by(, Key=cond.Key).delete() db.session.commit() def save(self): if is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) else: # update EventHandler.query.filter_by({ "ordering": self.ordering or 0, "position": self.position or "post", "event": self.event, "active":, "name":, "handlermodule": self.handlermodule, "condition": self.condition, "action": self.action }) save_config_timestamp() db.session.commit() return def delete(self): ret = # delete all EventHandlerOptions db.session.query(EventHandlerOption) \ .filter(EventHandlerOption.eventhandler_id == ret) \ .delete() # delete all Conditions db.session.query(EventHandlerCondition) \ .filter(EventHandlerCondition.eventhandler_id == ret) \ .delete() # delete the event handler itself db.session.delete(self) save_config_timestamp() db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] def get(self): """ Return the serialized eventhandler object including the options :return: complete dict :rytpe: dict """ d = {"active":, "name":, "handlermodule": self.handlermodule, "id":, "ordering": self.ordering, "position": self.position or "post", "action": self.action, "condition": self.condition} event_list = [x.strip() for x in self.event.split(",")] d["event"] = event_list option_dict = {} for option in self.options: option_dict[option.Key] = option.Value d["options"] = option_dict condition_dict = {} for cond in self.conditions: condition_dict[cond.Key] = cond.Value d["conditions"] = condition_dict return d
[docs] class EventHandlerCondition(db.Model): """ Each EventHandler entry can have additional conditions according to the handler module """ __tablename__ = "eventhandlercondition" id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("eventhandlercond_seq"), primary_key=True) eventhandler_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) Key = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) Value = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') comparator = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default='equal') __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('eventhandler_id', 'Key', name='ehcix_1'), {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}) def __init__(self, eventhandler_id, Key, Value, comparator="equal"): self.eventhandler_id = eventhandler_id self.Key = Key self.Value = convert_column_to_unicode(Value) self.comparator = comparator def save(self): ehc = EventHandlerCondition.query.filter_by( eventhandler_id=self.eventhandler_id, Key=self.Key).first() if ehc is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() ret = else: # update EventHandlerCondition.query.filter_by( eventhandler_id=self.eventhandler_id, Key=self.Key) \ .update({'Value': self.Value, 'comparator': self.comparator}) ret = db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class EventHandlerOption(db.Model): """ Each EventHandler entry can have additional options according to the handler module. """ __tablename__ = 'eventhandleroption' id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("eventhandleropt_seq"), primary_key=True) eventhandler_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) Key = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) Value = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') Type = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') Description = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('eventhandler_id', 'Key', name='ehoix_1'), {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}) def __init__(self, eventhandler_id, Key, Value, Type="", Description=""): self.eventhandler_id = eventhandler_id self.Key = Key self.Value = convert_column_to_unicode(Value) self.Type = Type self.Description = Description def save(self): eho = EventHandlerOption.query.filter_by( eventhandler_id=self.eventhandler_id, Key=self.Key).first() if eho is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() ret = else: # update EventHandlerOption.query.filter_by( eventhandler_id=self.eventhandler_id, Key=self.Key) \ .update({'Value': self.Value, 'Type': self.Type, 'Description': self.Description}) ret = db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class MachineResolver(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This model holds the definition to the machinestore. Machines could be located in flat files, LDAP directory or in puppet services or other... The usual MachineResolver just holds a name and a type and a reference to its config """ __tablename__ = 'machineresolver' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("machineresolver_seq"), primary_key=True, nullable=False) name = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default="", unique=True, nullable=False) rtype = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default="", nullable=False) rconfig = db.relationship('MachineResolverConfig', lazy='dynamic', backref='machineresolver') def __init__(self, name, rtype): = name self.rtype = rtype def delete(self): ret = # delete all MachineResolverConfig db.session.query(MachineResolverConfig)\ .filter(MachineResolverConfig.resolver_id == ret)\ .delete() # delete the MachineResolver itself db.session.delete(self) db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class MachineResolverConfig(db.Model): """ Each Machine Resolver can have multiple configuration entries. The config entries are referenced by the id of the machine resolver """ __tablename__ = 'machineresolverconfig' id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("machineresolverconf_seq"), primary_key=True) resolver_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) Key = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) Value = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') Type = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') Description = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('resolver_id', 'Key', name='mrcix_2'), {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}) def __init__(self, resolver_id=None, Key=None, Value=None, resolver=None, Type="", Description=""): if resolver_id: self.resolver_id = resolver_id elif resolver: self.resolver_id = MachineResolver.query\ .filter_by(name=resolver)\ .first()\ .id self.Key = Key self.Value = convert_column_to_unicode(Value) self.Type = Type self.Description = Description def save(self): c = MachineResolverConfig.query.filter_by( resolver_id=self.resolver_id, Key=self.Key).first() if c is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() ret = else: # update MachineResolverConfig.query.filter_by( resolver_id=self.resolver_id, Key=self.Key)\ .update({'Value': self.Value, 'Type': self.Type, 'Description': self.Description}) ret = db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] def get_token_id(serial): """ Return the database token ID for a given serial number :param serial: :return: token ID :rtpye: int """ token = Token.query.filter(Token.serial == serial).first() return
[docs] def get_machineresolver_id(resolvername): """ Return the database ID of the machine resolver :param resolvername: :return: """ mr = MachineResolver.query.filter( == resolvername).first() return
[docs] def get_machinetoken_ids(machine_id, resolver_name, serial, application): """ Returns a list of the ID in the machinetoken table :param machine_id: The resolverdependent machine_id :type machine_id: basestring :param resolver_name: The name of the resolver :type resolver_name: basestring :param serial: the serial number of the token :type serial: basestring :param application: The application type :type application: basestring :return: A list of IDs of the machinetoken entry :rtype: list of int """ ret = [] token_id = get_token_id(serial) if resolver_name: resolver = MachineResolver.query.filter( == resolver_name).first() resolver_id = else: resolver_id = None mtokens = MachineToken.query.filter(and_(MachineToken.token_id == token_id, MachineToken.machineresolver_id == resolver_id, MachineToken.machine_id == machine_id, MachineToken.application == application)).all() if mtokens: for mt in mtokens: ret.append( return ret
[docs] class SMSGateway(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This table stores the SMS Gateway definitions. It saves the * unique name * a description * the SMS provider module All options and parameters are saved in other tables. """ __tablename__ = 'smsgateway' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("smsgateway_seq"), primary_key=True) identifier = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False, unique=True) description = db.Column(db.Unicode(1024), default="") providermodule = db.Column(db.Unicode(1024), nullable=False) options = db.relationship('SMSGatewayOption', lazy='dynamic', backref='smsgw') def __init__(self, identifier, providermodule, description=None, options=None, headers=None): options = options or {} headers = headers or {} sql = SMSGateway.query.filter_by(identifier=identifier).first() if sql: = self.identifier = identifier self.providermodule = providermodule self.description = description # delete non existing options in case of update opts = {"option": options, "header": headers} if sql: sql_opts = {"option": sql.option_dict, "header": sql.header_dict} for typ, vals in opts.items(): for key in sql_opts[typ].keys(): # iterate through all existing options/headers if key not in vals: # if the option is not contained anymore SMSGatewayOption.query.filter_by(, Key=key, Type=typ).delete() # add the options and headers to the SMS Gateway for typ, vals in opts.items(): for k, v in vals.items(): SMSGatewayOption(, Key=k, Value=v, Type=typ).save() def save(self): if is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() else: # update SMSGateway.query.filter_by({ "identifier": self.identifier, "providermodule": self.providermodule, "description": self.description }) db.session.commit() return
[docs] def delete(self): """ When deleting an SMS Gateway we also delete all the options. :return: """ ret = # delete all SMSGatewayOptions db.session.query(SMSGatewayOption)\ .filter(SMSGatewayOption.gateway_id == ret)\ .delete() # delete the SMSGateway itself db.session.delete(self) db.session.commit() return ret
@property def option_dict(self): """ Return all connected options as a dictionary :return: dict """ res = {} for option in self.options: if option.Type == "option" or not option.Type: res[option.Key] = option.Value return res @property def header_dict(self): """ Return all connected headers as a dictionary :return: dict """ res = {} for option in self.options: if option.Type == "header": res[option.Key] = option.Value return res
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ Return the object as a dictionary :return: complete dict :rytpe: dict """ d = {"id":, "name": self.identifier, "providermodule": self.providermodule, "description": self.description, "options": self.option_dict, "headers": self.header_dict} return d
[docs] class SMSGatewayOption(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This table stores the options, parameters and headers for an SMS Gateway definition. """ __tablename__ = 'smsgatewayoption' id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("smsgwoption_seq"), primary_key=True) Key = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) Value = db.Column(db.UnicodeText(), default='') Type = db.Column(db.Unicode(100), default='option') gateway_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey(''), index=True) __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('gateway_id', 'Key', 'Type', name='sgix_1'), {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}) def __init__(self, gateway_id, Key, Value, Type=None): """ Create a new gateway_option for the gateway_id """ self.gateway_id = gateway_id self.Key = Key self.Value = convert_column_to_unicode(Value) self.Type = Type def save(self): # See, if there is this option or header for this this gateway # The first match takes precedence go = SMSGatewayOption.query.filter_by(gateway_id=self.gateway_id, Key=self.Key, Type=self.Type).first() if go is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() ret = else: # update SMSGatewayOption.query.filter_by(gateway_id=self.gateway_id, Key=self.Key, Type=self.Type ).update({'Value': self.Value, 'Type': self.Type}) ret = db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class eduMFAServer(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This table can store remote eduMFA server definitions """ __tablename__ = 'edumfaserver' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("edumfaserver_seq"), primary_key=True) # This is a name to refer to identifier = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False, unique=True) # This is the FQDN or the IP address url = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) tls = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False) description = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') def save(self): pi = eduMFAServer.query.filter(eduMFAServer.identifier == self.identifier).first() if pi is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() ret = else: # update values = {"url": self.url} if self.tls is not None: values["tls"] = self.tls if self.description is not None: values["description"] = self.description eduMFAServer.query.filter(eduMFAServer.identifier == self.identifier).update(values) ret = db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class RADIUSServer(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This table can store configurations of RADIUS servers. It saves * a unique name * a description * an IP address a * a Port * a secret * timeout in seconds (default 5) * retries (default 3) * Enforcement of the Message-Authenticator attribute These RADIUS server definition can be used in RADIUS tokens or in a radius passthru policy. """ __tablename__ = 'radiusserver' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("radiusserver_seq"), primary_key=True) # This is a name to refer to identifier = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False, unique=True) # This is the FQDN or the IP address server = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) port = db.Column(db.Integer, default=25) secret = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default="") dictionary = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default="/etc/edumfa/dictionary") description = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') timeout = db.Column(db.Integer, default=5) retries = db.Column(db.Integer, default=3) enforce_ma = db.Column(db.Boolean(), default=False)
[docs] def save(self): """ If a RADIUS server with a given name is save, then the existing RADIUS server is updated. """ radius = RADIUSServer.query.filter(RADIUSServer.identifier == self.identifier).first() if radius is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() ret = else: # update values = {"server": self.server} if self.port is not None: values["port"] = self.port if self.secret is not None: values["secret"] = self.secret if self.dictionary is not None: values["dictionary"] = self.dictionary if self.description is not None: values["description"] = self.description if self.timeout is not None: values["timeout"] = int(self.timeout) if self.retries is not None: values["retries"] = int(self.retries) if self.enforce_ma is not None: values["enforce_ma"] = self.enforce_ma RADIUSServer.query.filter(RADIUSServer.identifier == self.identifier).update(values) ret = db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class SMTPServer(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This table can store configurations for SMTP servers. Each entry represents an SMTP server. EMail Token, SMS SMTP Gateways or Notifications like PIN handlers are supposed to use a reference to to a server definition. Each Machine Resolver can have multiple configuration entries. The config entries are referenced by the id of the machine resolver """ __tablename__ = 'smtpserver' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("smtpserver_seq"),primary_key=True) # This is a name to refer to identifier = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) # This is the FQDN or the IP address server = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) port = db.Column(db.Integer, default=25) username = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default="") password = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default="") sender = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default="") tls = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False) description = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') timeout = db.Column(db.Integer, default=10) enqueue_job = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)
[docs] def get(self): """ :return: the configuration as a dictionary """ return { "id":, "identifier": self.identifier, "server": self.server, "port": self.port, "username": self.username, "password": self.password, "sender": self.sender, "tls": self.tls, "description": self.description, "timeout": self.timeout, "enqueue_job": self.enqueue_job, }
def save(self): smtp = SMTPServer.query.filter(SMTPServer.identifier == self.identifier).first() if smtp is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() ret = else: # update values = {"server": self.server} if self.port is not None: values["port"] = self.port if self.username is not None: values["username"] = self.username if self.password is not None: values["password"] = self.password if self.sender is not None: values["sender"] = self.sender if self.tls is not None: values["tls"] = self.tls if self.description is not None: values["description"] = self.description if self.timeout is not None: values["timeout"] = self.timeout if self.enqueue_job is not None: values["enqueue_job"] = self.enqueue_job SMTPServer.query.filter(SMTPServer.identifier == self.identifier).update(values) ret = db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class ClientApplication(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This table stores the clients, which sent an authentication request to eduMFA. This table is filled automatically by authentication requests. """ __tablename__ = 'clientapplication' id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("clientapp_seq"), primary_key=True) ip = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False, index=True) hostname = db.Column(db.Unicode(255)) clienttype = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False, index=True) lastseen = db.Column(db.DateTime, index=True, default=datetime.utcnow()) node = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('ip', 'clienttype', 'node', name='caix'), {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}) def save(self): clientapp = ClientApplication.query.filter( ClientApplication.ip == self.ip, ClientApplication.clienttype == self.clienttype, ClientApplication.node == self.node).first() self.lastseen = if clientapp is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) else: # update values = {"lastseen": self.lastseen} if self.hostname is not None: values["hostname"] = self.hostname ClientApplication.query.filter( == try: db.session.commit() except IntegrityError as e: # pragma: no cover'Unable to write ClientApplication entry to db: {0!s}'.format(e)) log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) def __repr__(self): return "<ClientApplication [{0!s}][{1!s}:{2!s}] on {3!s}>".format(, self.ip, self.clienttype, self.node)
[docs] class Subscription(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This table stores the imported subscription files. """ __tablename__ = 'subscription' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("subscription_seq"), primary_key=True) application = db.Column(db.Unicode(80), index=True) for_name = db.Column(db.Unicode(80), nullable=False) for_address = db.Column(db.Unicode(128)) for_email = db.Column(db.Unicode(128), nullable=False) for_phone = db.Column(db.Unicode(50), nullable=False) for_url = db.Column(db.Unicode(80)) for_comment = db.Column(db.Unicode(255)) by_name = db.Column(db.Unicode(50), nullable=False) by_email = db.Column(db.Unicode(128), nullable=False) by_address = db.Column(db.Unicode(128)) by_phone = db.Column(db.Unicode(50)) by_url = db.Column(db.Unicode(80)) date_from = db.Column(db.DateTime) date_till = db.Column(db.DateTime) num_users = db.Column(db.Integer) num_tokens = db.Column(db.Integer) num_clients = db.Column(db.Integer) level = db.Column(db.Unicode(80)) signature = db.Column(db.Unicode(640)) def save(self): subscription = Subscription.query.filter( Subscription.application == self.application).first() if subscription is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() ret = else: # update values = self.get() Subscription.query.filter( == ret = db.session.commit() return ret def __repr__(self): return "<Subscription [{0!s}][{1!s}:{2!s}:{3!s}]>".format(, self.application, self.for_name, self.by_name)
[docs] def get(self): """ Return the database object as dict :return: """ d = {} for attr in Subscription.__table__.columns.keys(): if getattr(self, attr) is not None: d[attr] = getattr(self, attr) return d
[docs] class EventCounter(db.Model): """ This table stores counters of the event handler "Counter". Note that an event counter name does *not* correspond to just one, but rather *several* table rows, because we store event counters for each eduMFA node separately. This is intended to improve the performance of replicated setups, because each eduMFA node then only writes to its own "private" table row. This way, we avoid locking issues that would occur if all nodes write to the same table row. """ __tablename__ = 'eventcounter' id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("eventcounter_seq"), primary_key=True) counter_name = db.Column(db.Unicode(80), nullable=False) counter_value = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0) node = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('counter_name', 'node', name='evctr_1'), {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}) def __init__(self, name, value=0, node=""): self.counter_value = value self.counter_name = name self.node = node def save(self): db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() def delete(self): ret = self.counter_name db.session.delete(self) db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] def increase(self): """ Increase the value of a counter :return: """ self.counter_value = self.counter_value + 1
[docs] def decrease(self): """ Decrease the value of a counter. :return: """ self.counter_value = self.counter_value - 1
### Audit audit_column_length = {"signature": 620, "action": 50, "serial": 40, "token_type": 12, "user": 20, "realm": 20, "resolver": 50, "administrator": 20, "action_detail": 50, "info": 50, "edumfa_server": 255, "client": 50, "loglevel": 12, "clearance_level": 12, "thread_id": 20, "policies": 255} AUDIT_TABLE_NAME = 'mfa_audit'
[docs] class Audit(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This class stores the Audit entries """ __tablename__ = AUDIT_TABLE_NAME __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(BigIntegerType, Sequence("audit_seq"), primary_key=True) date = db.Column(db.DateTime, index=True) startdate = db.Column(db.DateTime) duration = db.Column(db.Interval(second_precision=6)) signature = db.Column(db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get("signature"))) action = db.Column(db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get("action"))) success = db.Column(db.Integer) serial = db.Column(db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get("serial"))) token_type = db.Column(db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get("token_type"))) user = db.Column(db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get("user")), index=True) realm = db.Column(db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get("realm"))) resolver = db.Column(db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get("resolver"))) administrator = db.Column( db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get("administrator"))) action_detail = db.Column( db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get("action_detail"))) info = db.Column(db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get("info"))) edumfa_server = db.Column( db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get("edumfa_server"))) client = db.Column(db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get("client"))) loglevel = db.Column(db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get("loglevel"))) clearance_level = db.Column(db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get( "clearance_level"))) thread_id = db.Column(db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get("thread_id"))) policies = db.Column(db.Unicode(audit_column_length.get("policies"))) def __init__(self, action="", success=0, serial="", token_type="", user="", realm="", resolver="", administrator="", action_detail="", info="", edumfa_server="", client="", loglevel="default", clearance_level="default", thread_id="0", policies="", startdate=None, duration=None ): self.signature = "" = self.startdate = startdate self.duration = duration self.action = convert_column_to_unicode(action) self.success = success self.serial = convert_column_to_unicode(serial) self.token_type = convert_column_to_unicode(token_type) self.user = convert_column_to_unicode(user) self.realm = convert_column_to_unicode(realm) self.resolver = convert_column_to_unicode(resolver) self.administrator = convert_column_to_unicode(administrator) self.action_detail = convert_column_to_unicode(action_detail) = convert_column_to_unicode(info) self.edumfa_server = convert_column_to_unicode(edumfa_server) self.client = convert_column_to_unicode(client) self.loglevel = convert_column_to_unicode(loglevel) self.clearance_level = convert_column_to_unicode(clearance_level) self.thread_id = convert_column_to_unicode(thread_id) self.policies = convert_column_to_unicode(policies)
### User Cache
[docs] class UserCache(MethodsMixin, db.Model): __tablename__ = 'usercache' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("usercache_seq"), primary_key=True) username = db.Column(db.Unicode(64), default="", index=True) used_login = db.Column(db.Unicode(64), default="", index=True) resolver = db.Column(db.Unicode(120), default='') user_id = db.Column(db.Unicode(320), default='', index=True) timestamp = db.Column(db.DateTime, index=True) def __init__(self, username, used_login, resolver, user_id, timestamp): self.username = username self.used_login = used_login self.resolver = resolver self.user_id = user_id self.timestamp = timestamp
[docs] class AuthCache(MethodsMixin, db.Model): __tablename__ = 'authcache' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("authcache_seq"), primary_key=True) first_auth = db.Column(db.DateTime, index=True) last_auth = db.Column(db.DateTime, index=True) username = db.Column(db.Unicode(64), default="", index=True) resolver = db.Column(db.Unicode(120), default='', index=True) realm = db.Column(db.Unicode(120), default='', index=True) client_ip = db.Column(db.Unicode(40), default="") user_agent = db.Column(db.Unicode(120), default="") auth_count = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0) # We can hash the password like this: # binascii.hexlify(hashlib.sha256("secret123456").digest()) authentication = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default="") def __init__(self, username, realm, resolver, authentication, first_auth=None, last_auth=None): self.username = username self.realm = realm self.resolver = resolver self.authentication = authentication self.first_auth = first_auth if first_auth else datetime.utcnow() self.last_auth = last_auth if last_auth else self.first_auth
### Periodic Tasks
[docs] class PeriodicTask(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This class stores tasks that should be run periodically. """ __tablename__ = 'periodictask' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("periodictask_seq"), primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.Unicode(64), unique=True, nullable=False) active = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=True, nullable=False) retry_if_failed = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=True, nullable=False) interval = db.Column(db.Unicode(256), nullable=False) nodes = db.Column(db.Unicode(256), nullable=False) taskmodule = db.Column(db.Unicode(256), nullable=False) ordering = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0) last_update = db.Column(db.DateTime(False), nullable=False) options = db.relationship('PeriodicTaskOption', lazy='dynamic', backref='periodictask') last_runs = db.relationship('PeriodicTaskLastRun', lazy='dynamic', backref='periodictask') def __init__(self, name, active, interval, node_list, taskmodule, ordering, options=None, id=None, retry_if_failed=True): """ :param name: Unique name of the periodic task as unicode :param active: a boolean :param retry_if_failed: a boalean :param interval: a unicode specifying the periodicity of the task :param node_list: a list of unicodes, denoting the node names that should execute that task. If we update an existing PeriodicTask entry, PeriodicTaskLastRun entries referring to nodes that are not present in ``node_list`` any more will be deleted. :param taskmodule: a unicode :param ordering: an integer. Lower tasks are executed first. :param options: a dictionary of options, mapping unicode keys to values. Values will be converted to unicode. If we update an existing PeriodicTask entry, all options that have been set previously but are not present in ``options`` will be deleted. :param id: the ID of an existing entry, if any """ = id = name = active self.retry_if_failed = retry_if_failed self.interval = interval self.nodes = ", ".join(node_list) self.taskmodule = taskmodule self.ordering = ordering # add the options to the periodic task options = options or {} for k, v in options.items(): PeriodicTaskOption(, key=k, value=v) # remove all leftover options all_options = PeriodicTaskOption.query.filter_by( for option in all_options: if option.key not in options: PeriodicTaskOption.query.filter_by( # remove all leftover last_runs all_last_runs = PeriodicTaskLastRun.query.filter_by( for last_run in all_last_runs: if last_run.node not in node_list: PeriodicTaskLastRun.query.filter_by( db.session.commit() @property def aware_last_update(self): """ Return self.last_update with attached UTC tzinfo """ return self.last_update.replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
[docs] def get(self): """ Return the serialized periodic task object including the options and last runs. The last runs are returned as timezone-aware UTC datetimes. :return: complete dict """ return {"id":, "name":, "active":, "interval": self.interval, "nodes": [node.strip() for node in self.nodes.split(",")], "taskmodule": self.taskmodule, "retry_if_failed": self.retry_if_failed, "last_update": self.aware_last_update, "ordering": self.ordering, "options": dict((option.key, option.value) for option in self.options), "last_runs": dict((last_run.node, last_run.aware_timestamp) for last_run in self.last_runs)}
[docs] def save(self): """ If the entry has an ID set, update the entry. If not, create one. Set ``last_update`` to the current time. :return: the entry ID """ self.last_update = datetime.utcnow() if is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) else: # update PeriodicTask.query.filter_by({ "name":, "active":, "interval": self.interval, "nodes": self.nodes, "taskmodule": self.taskmodule, "ordering": self.ordering, "retry_if_failed": self.retry_if_failed, "last_update": self.last_update, }) db.session.commit() return
def delete(self): ret = # delete all PeriodicTaskOptions and PeriodicTaskLastRuns before deleting myself db.session.query(PeriodicTaskOption).filter_by(periodictask_id=ret).delete() db.session.query(PeriodicTaskLastRun).filter_by(periodictask_id=ret).delete() db.session.delete(self) db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] def set_last_run(self, node, timestamp): """ Store the information that the last run of the periodic job occurred on ``node`` at ``timestamp``. :param node: Node name as a string :param timestamp: Timestamp as UTC datetime (without timezone information) :return: """ PeriodicTaskLastRun(, node, timestamp)
[docs] class PeriodicTaskOption(db.Model): """ Each PeriodicTask entry can have additional options according to the task module. """ __tablename__ = 'periodictaskoption' id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("periodictaskopt_seq"), primary_key=True) periodictask_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) key = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) value = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('periodictask_id', 'key', name='ptoix_1'), {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}) def __init__(self, periodictask_id, key, value): self.periodictask_id = periodictask_id self.key = key self.value = convert_column_to_unicode(value)
[docs] def save(self): """ Create or update a PeriodicTaskOption entry, depending on the value of ```` :return: the entry ID """ option = PeriodicTaskOption.query.filter_by( periodictask_id=self.periodictask_id, key=self.key ).first() if option is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) ret = else: # update PeriodicTaskOption.query.filter_by(periodictask_id=self.periodictask_id, key=self.key).update({ 'value': self.value, }) ret = db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class PeriodicTaskLastRun(db.Model): """ Each PeriodicTask entry stores, for each node, the timestamp of the last successful run. """ __tablename__ = 'periodictasklastrun' id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("periodictasklastrun_seq"), primary_key=True) periodictask_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) node = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), nullable=False) timestamp = db.Column(db.DateTime(False), nullable=False) __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('periodictask_id', 'node', name='ptlrix_1'), {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}) def __init__(self, periodictask_id, node, timestamp): """ :param periodictask_id: ID of the periodic task we are referring to :param node: Node name as unicode :param timestamp: Time of the last run as a datetime. A timezone must not be set! We require the time to be given in UTC. """ self.periodictask_id = periodictask_id self.node = node self.timestamp = timestamp @property def aware_timestamp(self): """ Return self.timestamp with attached UTC tzinfo """ return self.timestamp.replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
[docs] def save(self): """ Create or update a PeriodicTaskLastRun entry, depending on the value of ````. :return: the entry id """ last_run = PeriodicTaskLastRun.query.filter_by( periodictask_id=self.periodictask_id, node=self.node, ).first() if last_run is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) ret = else: # update PeriodicTaskLastRun.query.filter_by(periodictask_id=self.periodictask_id, node=self.node).update({ 'timestamp': self.timestamp, }) ret = db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class MonitoringStats(MethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This is the table that stores measured, arbitrary statistic points in time. This could be used to store time series but also to store current values, by simply fetching the last value from the database. """ __tablename__ = 'monitoringstats' id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("monitoringstats_seq"), primary_key=True) # We store this as a naive datetime in UTC timestamp = db.Column(db.DateTime(False), nullable=False, index=True) stats_key = db.Column(db.Unicode(128), nullable=False) stats_value = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0) __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('timestamp', 'stats_key', name='msix_1'), {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}) def __init__(self, timestamp, key, value): """ Create a new database entry in the monitoring stats table :param timestamp: The time of the measurement point :type timestamp: timezone-naive datetime :param key: The key of the measurement :type key: basestring :param value: The value of the measurement :type value: Int """ self.timestamp = timestamp self.stats_key = key self.stats_value = value
[docs] class Serviceid(TimestampMethodsMixin, db.Model): """ The serviceid table contains the defined service IDs. These service ID describe services like "webservers" or "dbservers" which e.g. request SSH keys from the eduMFA system. """ __tablename__ = 'serviceid' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("serviceid_seq"), primary_key=True, nullable=False) name = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default='', unique=True, nullable=False) Description = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') @log_with(log) def __init__(self, servicename, description=None): = servicename self.Description = description def save(self): si = Serviceid.query.filter_by( if si is None: return else: # update Serviceid.query.filter_by({'Description': self.Description}) ret = db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class Tokengroup(TimestampMethodsMixin, db.Model): """ The tokengroup table contains the definition of available token groups. A token can then be assigned to several of these tokengroups. """ __tablename__ = 'tokengroup' __table_args__ = {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'} id = db.Column(db.Integer, Sequence("tokengroup_seq"), primary_key=True, nullable=False) name = db.Column(db.Unicode(255), default='', unique=True, nullable=False) Description = db.Column(db.Unicode(2000), default='') @log_with(log) def __init__(self, groupname, description=None): = groupname self.Description = description def delete(self): ret = # delete all TokenTokenGroup db.session.query(TokenTokengroup)\ .filter(TokenTokengroup.tokengroup_id == ret)\ .delete() # delete the tokengroup db.session.delete(self) save_config_timestamp() db.session.commit() return ret def save(self): ti_func = Tokengroup.query.filter_by( ti = ti_func() if ti is None: return else: # update Tokengroup.query.filter_by({'Description': self.Description}) ret = db.session.commit() return ret
[docs] class TokenTokengroup(TimestampMethodsMixin, db.Model): """ This table stores the assignment of tokens to tokengroups. A token can be assigned to several different token groups. """ __tablename__ = 'tokentokengroup' __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('token_id', 'tokengroup_id', name='ttgix_2'), {'mysql_row_format': 'DYNAMIC'}) id = db.Column(db.Integer(), Sequence("tokentokengroup_seq"), primary_key=True, nullable=True) token_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('')) tokengroup_id = db.Column(db.Integer(), db.ForeignKey('')) # This creates an attribute "tokengroup_list" in the Token object token = db.relationship('Token', lazy='joined', backref='tokengroup_list') # This creates an attribute "token_list" in the Tokengroup object tokengroup = db.relationship('Tokengroup', lazy='joined', backref='token_list') def __init__(self, tokengroup_id=0, token_id=0, tokengroupname=None): """ Create a new TokenTokengroup assignment :param tokengroup_id: The id of the token group :param tokengroupname: the name of the tokengroup :param token_id: The id of the token """ if tokengroupname: r = Tokengroup.query.filter_by(name=tokengroupname).first() if not r: raise Exception("tokengroup does not exist") self.tokengroup_id = if tokengroup_id: self.tokengroup_id = tokengroup_id self.token_id = token_id
[docs] def save(self): """ We only save this, if it does not exist, yet. """ tr_func = TokenTokengroup.query.filter_by(tokengroup_id=self.tokengroup_id, token_id=self.token_id).first tr = tr_func() if tr is None: # create a new one db.session.add(self) db.session.commit() if get_app_config_value(SAFE_STORE, False): tr = tr_func() ret = else: ret = else: ret = return ret